Heads of Milli Majlis Inter-Parliamentary Connexions WGs and Leaders of Azerbaijani Delegations to Inter-Parliamentary Organisations Appeal to IPO Leaders and Overseas Parliaments about the so-called ‘Elections’ – an illegal Act of the Armenia-Spawned Proxy Regime in Azerbaijan’s Garabagh Region

11 September 2023 | 12:48   

The heads of the Milli Majlis inter-parliamentary connexions working groups and the leaders of the Azerbaijani delegations to the Inter-Parliamentary Organisations issued an appeal on 11 September to the leaders of the IPOs and overseas parliaments regarding the illegal act of the Armenia-established proxy regime in Azerbaijan’s Garabagh Region – the act that occurred on 9 September and was christened ‘elections’ by the said clique.

The appeal states that the illegal activities of Armenia in the Garabagh Region of Azerbaijan in the form of the so-called ‘presidential elections’ grossly violate not only the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan but also the norms and principles of international law. It is stressed that the very existence of the separatist regime is a direct consequence of the policy of aggression and ethnic cleansing conducted by Armenia in the internationally recognised territories of Azerbaijan for almost 30 years, and that the presence of this regime was made possible by military, political, financial and other support from Armenia.

The latest provocation by Armenia, which has taken place against the background of the peace initiative brought forward resolutely by Azerbaijan after the end of the conflict in 2020 is a serious blow to the regional normalisation efforts and reintegration of the ethnically Armenian population within the constitutional frameworks of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Those so-called ‘elections’ once again clearly demonstrates the complete disinterest of Armenia and the clique it created in the peace process. Moreover, the fact that Armenia is preventing Azerbaijan from engaging in a dialogue with the ethnic Armenians living in her sovereign territory is a gross interference in the internal affairs of our country and a serious threat to her sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Our parliamentarians are calling on their colleagues to give a correct political assessment of the steps directed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and to condemn strongly the noted illegal activity – the apology for an ‘election’, that is.

The Press and Public Relations Department  
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.