Speaker of Turkmenistan Mejlis Sends Speaker of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova a Letter of Condolences over Air Crash
Speaker of the Assembly (parliament) of Turkmenistan Dünýägözel Gulmanowa has sent Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova a letter of condolences concerning the recent air crash.
The Statement by the People of Corsica Support Group Formed in the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Approximately 700 people founded a new movement called ‘Nazione’ in Corsica on 28 January 2024, uniting the entities and activists struggling for independence and reaffirming their commitment to fight the French colonial domination.
Milli Majlis Meets in Plenary for National Leader Heydar Aliyev`s Centenary
Speaker Sahiba Gafarova said as she opened the special meeting of the Milli Majlis on 16 May that it was dedicated to the hundredth anniversary of our National Leader, architect and builder of the independent Azerbaijani State Heydar Aliyev.
The Milli Majlis in a Scheduled Meeting in Plenary
The scheduled meeting in plenary in the spring session of the Milli Majlis held on 11 April began with the adoption of an 11-item agenda and continued as a discussion of the issues du jour.
Milli Majlis Meets in Plenary as Scheduled
First Vice Speaker Ali Huseynli presided over the scheduled plenary sitting of the Milli Majlis that began with a discussion of the issues du jour on 4 April.
Cabinet of Ministers Presents a Report at Milli Majlis Plenary Sitting
Speaker Sahiba Gafarova said as she was opening the plenum of the Milli Majlis on 17 March that this, the first one in the spring session, was to hear the 2022 performance report of the Cabinet of Ministers as per the Constitution.
At the Plenum of the Milli Majlis
The Milli Majlis met in plenary as scheduled under the chairmanship of Speaker Sahiba Gafarova on 20 December.
At the Plenum of Milli Majlis
Another scheduled plenum of the Milli Majlis’ autumn session took place on 11 October.
Milli Majlis Convenes First Plenum in its Autumn Session
Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova guided the first meeting in plenary of the 2022 autumn session on 30 September.
At the Sitting of the Milli Majlis
Another scheduled meeting in plenary in the extraordinary session of the Milli Majlis took place on 22 June.
At the Extraordinary Session of the Milli Majlis
The announcement by Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova of the extraordinary spring session open at its first plenum held on 17 June was followed by the sounds of the National Anthem and then, the Assembly responded to the agenda.
Milli Majlis Caps Spring Parliamentary Session
Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova announced the seven-item agenda at the last plenum of the parliamentary spring session that was held on 31 May.
At the Plenary Meeting of the Milli Majlis
Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova followed her opening of the scheduled plenary sitting of the Milli Majlis on 13 May up by recounting the official visit of the Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation to the Swiss Confederation on 9-11 May.
At the Plenum of the Milli Majlis
Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova announced at the scheduled parliamentary plenum held under her chairmanship on 5 May that the agenda consisted of 22 items and that İtem I was the annual memorandum by the National Co-ordinator on Combatting Human Trafficking.
At the Plenum of the Milli Majlis
Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova said as she was opening a scheduled plenary sitting of the parliament on 26 April that an event of tremendous importance for the life of our country and nation had occurred a few days ago – that, namely, the 5th World Azerbaijani Congress had been held in Azerbaijan’s cultural capital of Shusha. It is rather symbolic that the congress had been called the Congress of Victory and had been placed in the town where the last battles of the 44 days’ Patriotic War had been fought, Mrs Gafarova pointed out.
Milli Majlis Holds a Meeting in Plenary
Adoption of the agenda was followed by a discussion of the current issues at a scheduled parliamentary meeting in plenary held under the chairmanship of Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova on 15 April.
Milli Majlis Makes Changes in CBA Board’s Make-Up
Another scheduled meeting in plenary of the Milli Majlis 2022 spring session was held under the chairmanship of Speaker Sahiba Gafarova on 12 April.
Annual Report by the Municipality Activity Administrative Supervision Body is Heard at Milli Majlis Plenum
Another scheduled meeting in plenary in the spring parliamentary session took place as chaired by Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova on 5 April.
Cabinet of Ministers’ Annual Report is Heard at Milli Majlis Meeting in Plenary
As she was opening the scheduled plenary sitting held on 15 March, Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova reminded the House that that was the fifth sitting of the spring session and that they were to hear the 2021 report by the Cabinet of Ministers, to be presented in compliance with the Constitution.
Human Rights Ombudsman’s Report is Heard at Milli Majlis Plenum
The parliamentary sitting in plenary held on 4 March under the chairmanship of Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova began with adoption of the agenda and discussion of the issues du jour.