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Sector Heads

Sarvan Majid oglu Sadigov

Position: Head of the Sector for the Human Rights Legislation in the Department of State-Building, and Administrative and Military Legislation
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 14.11.1981
Profession: Lawyer
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Javid Nizami oglu Iskandarov

Position: Head of the Sector for the Legislation on Territorial Administration and Municipality Affairs of the Department of State-Building, Administrative and Military Legislation
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 24.10.1987
Profession: Lawyer

Tamerlan Namig oglu Sheykh-Zamanov

Position: Head of the Military Legislation Sector of the Department of State-Building, and Administrative and Military Legislation
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 13.06.1976
Profession: Lawyer
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Kamala Maarif ghizi Pashayeva

Position: Head of the Administrative Legislation Sector of the Department of State-Building, and Administrative and Military Legislation
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 07.03.1984
Profession: Law, State Law

Nadir Rafig oglu Sultanov

Position: Head of the Sector for the Civil Rights Legislation of the Economic Legislation Department
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 18.07.1974
Profession: International Law
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Ziya Alfugar oglu Gasimov

Position: Head of the Labour Legislation Sector of the Social Legislation Department
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 19.11.1980
Profession: Lawyer
State Decorations: The Medal ‘For Distinction in the Civil Service’

Academic Degree and Rank: PhD in Law

Kamala Mustafa ghizi Azimova

Position: Head of the Humanitarian Legislation Sector of the Social Legislation Department
Service Rank: The 3rd rank State Counsellor
Date of Birth: 26.12.1979
Profession: Linguist (English), Lawyer
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Elchin Vahib oglu Guliyev

Position: Head for Document Flow Sector of the Work Organisation Department for the Milli Majlis, the Committees and the Commissions
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 03.04.1971
Profession: Lawyer
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Surayya Sharghi ghizi Abdullayeva

Position: Head of the Sector for the Committees and the Commissions of the Work Organisation Department for the Milli Majlis, the Committees and the Commissi
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 14.08.1967
Profession: Librarian-Bibliographer
State Decorations: The Medal ‘For Distinction in the Civil Service’

Alakbar Ghiyas oglu Hajiyev

Position: Head of the Documentation Support Sector of the Work Organisation Department for the Milli Majlis, the Committees and the Commissions
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 07.03.1962
Profession: Industrial and Civil Construction
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Ismayil Ramiz oglu Jafarov

Position: Head of the Sector for the central and local Authorities of the Department of Relations with the Executive Authorities
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 07.09.1982
Profession: Lawyer
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Academic Degree and Rank: PhD in Law

Agaali Rafig oglu Agayev

Position: Head of the Analytical Sector of the Department of Relations with Executive Administration Bodies
Service Rank: Junior Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 14.08.1985
Profession: International Law

Mir Kamal Gabil oglu Alizade

Position: Head of the Interparliamentary Sector of the Department of International Relations
Service Rank: Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 24.09.1991
Profession: International Economic Relations, Organisation and Administrasion of the Civil Service

Lala Vaghif ghizi Chelebizade

Position: Head of the Sector for International Parliamentary Organisations of the Department of International Relations
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 22.01.1988
Profession: International Law
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Ilgar Alakbar oglu Nabiyev

Position: Head of the Protocol Sector of the Department of International Relations
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 05.06.1976
Profession: International Law

Afag Hummat ghizi Hasanova

Position: Head of the Service Trip Documentation Sector in the Department of International Relations
Service Rank: Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 12.11.1981
Profession: International Relations

Banovsha Eyvaz qhizi Safaraliyeva

Position: Head of the HR Policy Matters Sector of the Civil Service and HR Department
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 19.12.1989
Profession: Lawyer, Civil Law

Ruslan Javanshir oglu Hajiyev

Position: Head of the Sector for MP Assistants of the Civil Service and HR Department
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 14.07.1984
Profession: General economics, lawyer

Kanan Vaghif oglu Akhundov

Position: Head of the Personal Files Sector of the Civil Service and HR Department
Service Rank: Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 31.05.1989
Profession: International relations

Latif Shukur oglu Babayev

Position: Head of the Print Publications Provision Sector of the Editorial and Publishing Department
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 08.04.1960
Profession: Journalist

Academic Degree and Rank:   PhD in History

Jeyhun Aydin oglu Guliyev

Position: Head of the Accreditation and Mass Media Sector of the Press and Public Relations Department
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 29.05.1978
Profession: Journalism, History of the Press, State and Municipality Administration
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Hafiza Kamil ghizi Abdullayeva

Position: Head of the Television and Video Archive Sector of the Press and Public Relations Department
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 26.07.1967
Profession: Construction Engineer, Sociologist
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Anar Afig oglu Valiyev

Position: Head of the Citizens’ Reception Sector of the Citizens’ Reception and Application processing Department
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 25.09.1983
Profession: Finances and Lending
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

Isa Farahim oglu Mammadov

Position: Head of the Programming and Project Design Sector of the Information Resources and Technologies
Service Rank: Chief Counsellor of the Civil Service
Date of Birth: 12.02.1975
Profession: Mathematician
State Decorations: The Civil Service Medal of Distinction

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.