A Conference on the Great Homecoming

24 August 2022 | 16:51   

The members of the Milli Majlis Nizami Safarov and Amina Agazade have taken part in the conference ‘The Great Return to the De-Occupied Lands of the Azerbaijan Republic: the Damaged Rights and Restoring Them.’

Organised in the Zanghilan Province at the suggestion of the General Prosecution Office, the conference went with the participation of senior administrators of the Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic, the General Prosecution Office and the Cabinet of Ministers. Officials of the Constitution Court, Supreme Court and Court of Appeal, of the ministries of justice, of internal affairs, of foreign affairs and of defence, of the other law enforcement authorities had been invited, too. Besides, there were civil society members, NGO delegates and mass media people.


The Press and Public Relations Department

The Milli Majlis


The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.