Our MPs Will Join PACE Committees’ Meetings

10 September 2022 | 10:58   

Members of the Milli Majlis are going to take part in the meetings of the committees of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe due on 12-19 September.

The PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, the Monitoring Committee and the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination will assemble in Paris whilst the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons will gather in Athens.


The chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee for International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations/leader of the Azerbaijani delegation to the PACE Samad Seyidov and MP Asim Mollazade will join the meetings of the Political Affairs and Democracy Committee (on 12-13 September) and the Monitoring Committee (14-15 September).

The Political Affairs and Democracy Committee intends to discuss the political effects of the current situation in the region’s countries, building up the role of the Council of Europe as the cornerstone of the European political architecture and other European perspectives. It is planned to make relevant decisions.

As for the Monitoring Committee, it will turn its attention to several member-states’ discharge of their obligations and its own monitoring procedures.

The leader of the Azerbaijani delegation Samad Seyidov and the co-rapporteur of the Monitoring Committee of the PACE on Albania Asim Mollazade will offer their remarks and proposals.


MP Konul Nurullayeva is joining the meeting of the Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee in Paris on 16 September.

They will peruse such relevant matters as intensifying the struggle against the Islamophobia and racial discrimination of Muslims in Europe, putting an end to the discrimination of women in sports, provision of equal access to digital technologies and discouragement of gender inequality cases, amongst other things. Again, appropriate resolutions will be passed. Our MP will make her comments on all the items on the agenda of that meeting.


Samad Seyidov and Nigyar Arpadarai will then move on to the meeting of the Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons Committee in Athens on 18-19 September.

The agenda of this meeting deals with the European solidarity in migration matters and provision of refuge, integration of migrants and refugees, and a number of organisational matters. MP Arpadarai, besides, will present a report On the Social Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced Persons with the help of Sports.


It should be added that all the committees will also sign off their previous meetings’ minutes and will review the preparations for the 4th CE Summit, the World Forum for Democracy and other scheduled events.


The Press and Public Relations Department

The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.