Our MPs to Take Part in CIS IPA Commissions’ Meetings

20 September 2022 | 15:46   

A group of members of the Milli Majlis will leave for St Petersburg on 21 September to take part in the scheduled meetings of the Permanent Commissions of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.

Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis/chairman of the Youth and Sports Committee Adil Aliyev will connect to the meeting of the Permanent Commission on Defence and Security Issues online whilst MP Arzu Naghiyev will be physically present at it.

That meeting’s agenda deals, amongst other things, with the National Security Bill, amendments to the model laws ‘On the Security of Borders’ and ‘On the State Border’, the recommendations to implement international legal principles in countering terrorism and violent extremism as well as in apprehending violations of law in the field of information communication technologies.

The chairman of a Milli Majlis committee Bakhtiyar Aliyev will be present at the meeting of the Permanent Commission on Science and Education to take part in the planned discussion of the CIS countries’ model Information Code, the model Bill on state attestation of scientific and technology research subjects, the recommendation about standards regulation in digitalisation of the education sector and so forth.

The meeting of the CIS IPA Joint Commission for the Harmonisation of the National Laws Related to Security and Countering Emerging Threats and Challenges will be joined by MP Arzu Naghiyev. They will be reviewing the Public Security Model Bill, the counter-terrorist activities of the frontier organs of the CIS countries, the draft recommendations regarding discouragement of illicit activities in the CIS countries’ territorial waters and other matters.

MP Jala Aliyeva is going to attend the meeting of the Permanent Commission on Practices of State-Building and Local Government where it is planned to look at the draft practical recommendations regarding elections and referenda for the CIS countries’ international monitors and the model Bills ‘On the International Monitoring’ and ‘On the State and Municipal Services’, in addition to the agenda subjects unmentioned here.

As for the meeting of the Budget Oversight Commission, the Milli Majlis will be represented at it by MP Malik Hasanov. The agenda of that gathering includes a review of the CIS countries’ fulfilment of their obligations to transfer financial capitals to the 2022 IPA Budget, the draft income and expenditure targets of the CIS countries regarding the upkeep of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly in 2023 and the Commission’s own work plan for next years, along with other items.

Our MPs will put forth their own considerations and suggestions with respect all the items of all the agendas of the meetings of the CIS IPA Permanent Commissions.

Their stay in the Russian Federation will be over on 25 September.


The Press and Public Relations Department

The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.