At the GUAM Meetings

21 December 2021 | 18:07   

A meeting of the Bureau of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly and a session of the GUAM were held in the videoconferencing mode on 21 December.

The 16th Bureau meeting was moderated by the Bureau chairman and leader of the Georgian delegation to the PA Giorgi Khelashvili. The head of the Azerbaijani delegation to the PA Elnur Allahverdiyev was amongst the participants.

They were discussing the outcomes of the joint meeting of all the GUAM PA committees called yesterday, the 20th of December, as well as affirming the make-ups of the national delegations to the PA in 2022, the monitoring of the municipal elections in Georgia and the parliamentary ones in Moldova, draft final documents of the 14th session of the GUAM PA, transition of the GUAM PA chairmanship and other matters.

The GUAM Secretary General gravitated on Item 4 that was about the above-said elections and stressed that they had been conducted to high standards, democratically and with high elector activity in both member-states.

Other speeches and comments across the agenda followed.


The 14th GUAM PA session was held under the chairmanship of the Georgian side in the afternoon.

The head of the Milli Majlis delegation to the Assembly Elnur Allahverdiyev and the delegation members Ali Masimli, Gudrat Hasanguliyev, Nasib Mahamaliyev, Fatma Yildirim and Javid Osmanov tuned in to the session.

The opening of the session saw the national delegations’ leaders, the GUAM Secretary General Altay Efendiyev and Vice President of the Baltic Assembly Janis Vutsans make their remarks. Elnur Allahverdiyev’s presentation was about the developments in Azerbaijan and in her region during 2021. He told about the restoration and re-building work afoot in the de-occupied territories of Azerbaijan, the transport and communication projects in progress and that part of the country having been declared the Green Zone.

A peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia, delimitation and demarcation of the borders and resumption of railway communications, all envisaged by the arrangements made already, mattered not to Azerbaijan alone but to Armenia and the whole region as well, according to Mr Allahverdiyev.

He proceeded to tell about the inception session of the Parliamentary Network of the Non-Aligned Movement held on the Azerbaijani side’s instance in the capital city of Spain on 28 November.

He also mentioned the international acclaim for the initiative of the leader of Azerbaijan Mr Ilham Aliyev to distribute coronavirus vaccines amongst countries fairly as Mr Allahverdiyev was talking about the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the session went on, they also addressed the topics of co-operation amongst the GUAM countries in the face of new global challenges, ways to curb the pandemic and its social and economic aftermath, the prospects and opportunities in terms of interaction between the Eastern Partnership and the GUAM, the status and possible resolution of the conflicts in the GUAM countries and backing the principal economic projects of the Organisation.

The Milli Majlis members Fatma Yildirim and Ali Masimli spoke about the chance to make peace in the South Caucasus and bolster regional co-operation – the chance given by the victory of Azerbaijan in the 44 days’ Patriotic War. They also talked about the economic and investment potentials of the Azerbaijani territories delivered from the occupation.

The presidency over the GUAM PA went from Georgia over to Moldova at the session, which was then capped with the adoption of a final communiqué.


The Press and Public Relations Department

The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.