At the GUAM PA GUAM Bureau Meeting and the PA GUAM Session

28 November 2022 | 16:59   

A meeting of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of GUAM and a session of the PA GUAM were held in the videoconference mode on 28 November.

First, there was the 17th Bureau meeting, and MP Elnur Allahverdiyev, head of the Azerbaijan delegation to the Assembly, highlit the normalisation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the international efforts to keep that process going. Armenia’s recognition of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, voiced at the meetings conducted with the mediation of the president of the EU Council Charles Michel and with the attendance of the president of France was a serious step forward in the peace process, and so it was rather illogical that the president of France would make untrue and libellous statements about Azerbaijan and France’s Senate would pass a biased resolution concerning Azerbaijan. That was merely an attempt to fan back to glow the flames of the conflict that is a closed case already, in the opinion of the Azerbaijani parliamentarian who stressed that such acts harmed the current post-war normalisation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Elnur Allahverdiyev emphasised the need to honour all the conditions of the agreements achieved by now so as to bring sustainable peace to the South Caucasus and promote regional co-operation.

The outcomes of the meetings of the GUAM committees were summarised, the draft concluding documents of the 15th session of the GUAM PA were considered and other matters were looked at as the Bureau meeting went on. Relevant decisions were passed as well.


Elnur Allahverdiyev and members of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Assembly Ali Masimli, Gudrat Hasanguliyev and Javid Osmanov as well as the GUAM Secretary General Altai Efendiyev, delegates of the Baltic Assembly and other officials took part in the subsequent 15th session of the GUAM PA.

They reviewed the co-operation amongst the GUAM member-states in the context of its 25th anniversary, energy crisis and security. The scope of the session also included the support for the chief economic undertakings of GUAM.

The leader of our delegation to the GUAM PA Elnur Allahverdiyev spoke about the co-operation amongst the GUAM countries in the context of security and energy crisis. He touched upon the Azerbaijani contribution to the European energy security and the strategic partnership going up with Georgia in this regard.

Mr Allahverdiyev who was sharing his thoughts about the European energy architecture referred to the impediments to co-operation and stability in the GUAM area. As he stressed, he is convicted that signing a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia would bring about the regional countries’ economic growth and a broader kind of co-operation between them.

The GUAM PA chairmanship went from Moldova to Ukraine at the session which was capped with the adoption of its final communiqué.


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The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.