Azerbaijani and Afghani MPs Commemorated Khojali Genocide

22 February 2021 | 19:29   

A videoconference was held jointly by the Milli Majlis Working Group for the Azerbaijani-Afghani interparliamentary relations and the MPs of the National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to commemorate the 29th anniversary of the Khojali Genocide on 22 February.

Leader of the Azerbaijani parliament’s Working Group Musa Gasimli welcomed the members of the Afghan Parliament and thanked Afghanistan for the perpetual defence of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country subjected to the Armenian aggression as well as for the unequivocal backing for Azerbaijan’s righteous cause in the 44-day Patriotic War.

Mr Gasimli mentioned the forthcoming 29th anniversary of the Khojali Genocide, one of the darkest episodes of the policy of occupation and terror that Armenia had waged against Azerbaijan. He informed the meeting participants in detail of the tragedy and of the unthinkable atrocities that the Armenian soldiery had wreaked in Khojali. Those who committed those murders, this war crime, this felony must necessarily answer for it in the international law, Mr Gasimli pointed out.

Chairman of the National Assembly Committee for International Relations Atiqullah Ramin told the assembled of the high level of the political relations between the two countries before stressing also the importance and usefulness of the interparliamentary links.

Mr Ramin congratulated Azerbaijan on the national territory made whole again during the Patriotic War that ended in Armenia’s defeat. Just like the Azerbaijanis, the Afghanis, too, had suffered from terror and war, and Afghanistan appreciates intensely Azerbaijan’s assistance in securing peace and stability in his country, Mr Ramin was saying.

Chairman of the Milli Majlis Agrarian Policy Committee Tahir Rzayev and the MPs Elman Mammadov and Azer Badamov spoke of Armenia having annihilated the peaceful Azerbaijani populace in defiance of the international laws and the rules of war. The Afghani MPs Gul Ahmad Kamin, Hamiduddin Yoldash and Helmand Helmand as well as Ambassador of Afghanistan to Azerbaijan Amanullah Jaihoon said that they were glad of the sparkling triumph that our victorious Army gained in the 44-day Patriotic War under the guidance of Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. Certain historical moments of the bilateral relations, the prospects and the relevant tasks befalling the parliaments of the two countries were talked of as well.

A confidence was shared at the meeting that the opening of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Kabul would cause the co-operation between Azerbaijan and Afghanistan become more profound.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.