A Meeting with Dagestani MPs

15 March 2023 | 18:05   

Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis/head of the Youth and Sports Committee Adil Aliyev and members of the Azerbaijani parliament’s Sciences and Education Committee met with the delegation headed by Chairman of the People’s Assembly of the RF Republic of Dagestan Zaur Askenderov on 15 March.

Adil Aliyev told the guests of the intense importance to Azerbaijan of the relations with Dagestan as a friendly neighbour, talked about the strategic co-operation between Azerbaijan and Russian Federation and about falling back on this advantageous framework to promote relations with RF federal subjects including the Republic of Dagestan.

The systematic and integrated approach to the promotion and progress of sports and physical culture in Azerbaijan rests on the foundation wrought by our National Leader Heydar Aliyev. On the other hand, the Head of State Ilham Aliyev’s successful pursuit of this course has turned Azerbaijan into one of the advanced sporting states of the world, in the opinion of Adil Aliyev who continued to talk about streamlining the legislation on youth and sports. He also mentioned relevant state programmes and state-level efforts. The youth of Azerbaijan have always coped with the challenges it faces worthily; they have been at the forefront of processes in the country invariably and really showed their resolve and patriotism to the whole world during the 44-day-long Patriotic War, Mr Aliyev went on.

Chairman of the Dagestani Parliament Zaur Askenderov said his thanks for the hospitality extended to him and his delegation before speaking about the high-level bilateral relations based on mutual trust, the centuries-old friendship of the peoples of Azerbaijan and Dagestan, and the opportunities for co-operation.

In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis Sciences and Education Committee Bakhtiyar Aliyev broached the subject of state support for education and academic progress in Azerbaijan, pertaining reforms, innovations – and what achievements have already been made in those realms. He mentioned the coventration of our educational infrastructure – together with all the other infrastructures – in the lands of our country now free of Armenian occupation. Mr Aliyev mentioned the efforts our state is making to remedy the situation over there via large-scale projects as well. Besides, the parliamentary committee head touched on promotion and advancement of the existing academic and educational ties between Azerbaijan and Dagestan.

Deputy Chairman of the Dagestani Parliament Kamil Davdiyev, chair of the Education and Science Committee Yelena Pavliuchenko, chairman of the Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism Committee Murat Paizullayev and Dagestani Minister of Culture Zarema Butayeva shared their views of broadening the Azerbaijani-Dagestani connexions in sports, physical education, youth affairs, education, cultural matters and tourism.

The participants of the meeting discussed the prospects for mutually beneficial co-operation and the active exchange of lessons learned, besides.

Speaking of participation, the Azerbaijani MPs Musa Gasimli, Azer Badamov, Aghiya Nakhchivanli, Shahin Ismayilov and Ramil Hasan were amongst the other people present at the meeting.


The Press and Public Relations Department

The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.