Azerbaijani and Czech Parliamentary Friendship Groups Had a Meeting

25 February 2021 | 18:31   

Leader of the Milli Majlis Working Group for interparliamentary contacts with the Czech Republic Elnur Allahverdiyev and Leader of the Czech Parliament’s Friendship Group for Azerbaijan Zdeněk Ondráček had an online meeting on 25 February.

Mr Allahverdiyev greeted his vis-à-vis, spoke of the relations between Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic setting high standards and voiced the interest of Azerbaijan in the relations’ on-going and comprehensive development.

He mentioned with gratitude the resolution condemning the annihilation of civilians in Khojali that the International Relations Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic passed in February 2013. He also thanked the Czech Parliament for supporting Azerbaijan’s position in this regard and mentioned the fact that the Czech Republic was the first EU country to pass a fair verdict on the massacre of Azerbaijanis committed in Khojali. The Azerbaijani people and state appreciate that very much, according to Mr Allahverdiyev.

Tomorrow the 26th of February is another anniversary of the Khojali Events; all the Azerbaijani people will be remembering the national tragedy. The Czech Embassy in Baku is going to organise an event on the grim anniversary and to let the broad public learn the truth about the Genocide, Mr Allahverdiyev continued.

The Armenian aggression because of which the Azerbaijani lands had remained in captivity for almost 30 years was cast aside, though, as the triumphant Azerbaijani Army commander by President and Commander-in-Chief Mr Ilham Aliyev packed quite a punch, made the enemy opposition crumble and reconquered our lands where restoration and rebuilding are well underway already.

The Azerbaijani MP recalled the trilateral declaration signed by Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia on 9 November last year about complete discontinuation of fire and all hostilities in the Highland Garabagh Conflict zone. The Azerbaijani side honoured its relevant obligations in full whereas Armenia had been attempting further acts of terror in the Azerbaijani territory. Then again, all those attempts were cut short.

Fatma Yildirim of the Milli Majlis Working Group who was present at the meeting gave a detailed narrative about the history of the Khojali Genocide. She said that the Armenian armed forces assaulted the town of Khojali situated in the Highland Garabagh region of Azerbaijan and massacred the peaceful townspeople on the night from the 25th to the 26th of February 1992. The armed onslaught resulted in the deaths of 613 civilians not barring women, children and old people – all killed without a trace of mercy or hesitance.

She said then she was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Garabagh Revival Foundation, adding, ‘We would like the countries friendly to us to become closely involved with our purposeful work done to revive Garabagh.’

Leader of the Czech Parliament’s Friendship Group for Azerbaijan Zdeněk Ondráček recalled his two visits to Azerbaijan and the meetings he had had at the Milli Majlis as well as that he had been able to get to know the Azerbaijani people well and appreciate their hospitality.

Mr Ondráček mentioned with praise the high level of the interaction between our countries, thanked for the detailed account of the Khojali developments and mentioned the destruction of the village of Lidice and the killings of local population in several towns of his country. Such blood-stained dates will remain in our nations’ memory forever, Mr Ondráček pointed out before commending the restoration and rebuilding of Garabagh and stressing the need in joint projects that would be carried out in that process.

The meeting also saw an exchange of opinions about the growth prospects of the interparliamentary relations and economic co-operation, and about broadening the contacts between the two friendship groups.

The Press and Public Relations
Department The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.