The Statement of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States on the occasion of the Khojali Genocide’s 29th Anniversary

26 February 2021 | 19:10   

The Parliamentary Union of the Member-States of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation that supports Azerbaijan invariably and recognised the genocide committed in Khojali has placed a statement at its official website ( marking the 29th anniversary of the Khojali Events.

According to the statement, ‘29 years have passed since the occupation of the Khojali town and the genocide of its civilian residents in February 26, 1992… After blockade of Khojali town by the occupant Armenian forces, around 2,500 remaining civilians fleeing to reach the nearest safe area in order to survive were ambushed and brutally killed or captured…

Official facts testify to the presence of the Khojali Genocide victims.

 ‘Of those who perished 56 were killed with particular cruelty: they were variously burned alive, beheaded or had eyes gouged out, while pregnant women were bayoneted in the abdomen. The town was razed to the ground.

 ‘Numerous war crimes against humanity, including genocide, were committed against the Azerbaijani civilians in Khojali town constitute a serious violation of international humanitarian and human rights law, in particular, the 1949 Geneva Convention,’ the statement goes. Other international conventions and covenants are quoted as well. 

 ‘Heydar Aliyev, National Leader of Azerbaijan, unveiled the essence of the Khojali genocide and in February 1994 the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan gave legal and political assessment of this crime.’

It is further said in the statement that the international ‘Justice for Khojali!’ campaign initiated by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation is one of the purposeful measures taken for dissemination in the world of the true information about the Khojali genocide and recognition of this tragedy as an act of genocide committed against the people of Azerbaijan.

Several appropriate resolutions were passed with regards to the genocide of the Azerbaijanis.

‘The issue of the Khojali genocide was raised and discussed at the parliaments of Pakistan, Mexico, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Jordan, Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, Honduras, Afghanistan, Indonesia and others…’

Political documents condemning the crime were adopted.

‘Besides, the Khojali genocide is officially recognised by The Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) and condemned as a massacre.

‘On September 27, 2020 in order to… suppress the continuous combat activities of occupant Armenia, Azerbaijan Armed Forces, led by Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, launched the counter-offensive operation using its right of self-defence to liberate occupied territories…’

And, further, it is mentioned that the trilateral declaration signed on 10 November 2020 made sure the Agdam, Kalbajar and Lachin provinces were returned to Azerbaijan and thus the national territory of the country was intact again.

The victims of the Khojali Genocide are commemorated and the tribute is paid to their memory, and the Allah is asked to rest their souls in peace at the end of the statement. Last but not least, a hope is expressed, with a reference to the standards and principles of the international laws, that justice will prevail sooner or later and that those who committed the genocide in Khojali will be brought to justice in the end.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.