Slovak Parliamentary Delegation Went to Shusha, Fuzuli and Aghdam

06 September 2023 | 19:45   

The delegation of the Slovak National Council headed by its Speaker Boris Kollár visiting in Azerbaijan travelled to our de-occupied provinces in the company of MP Anar Mammadov heading the Milli Majlis WG for inter-parliamentary connexions with Slovakia, Slovak Ambassador in Baku Milan Lajčiak and other officials on 6 September.  

Upon the guests’ arrival at Fizuli International Airport, Emin Huseynov, Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan in the liberated lands of the Garabagh Economic Region (except Shusha), showed them models of this airport and of its analogue in Zanghilan. He also familiarised the Slovak MPs with the technical parameters of both airports.

The guests were presented with the reconstruction plan for the town of Fuzuli, and were told also about the modern infrastructure to be created in the province and in the liberated territories in general as well as about the work done within the framework of the ‘smart town’, ‘smart village’ and ‘green energy’ projects.

Next, the visitors went over to the town of Fuzuli to be shown the traces of Armenian barbarianism and told of the crimes that Armenia had committed against our country throughout the three occupation decades, the mining of those lands by Armenia and, on a brighter side, about the current de-mining, the jobs past or to be set about yet in Fuzuli and, last not least, the residential quarter already built in the town.

On arrival in Shusha the guests were welcomed by the special representative of the president of the republic in Shusha Province Aydin Karimov who praised the repeated visit of Mr Kollár to the town. It was said during the conversation that links between Azerbaijani and Slovak towns and the bilateral relations as a whole were on the growth.

Mr Karimov told the Slovak MPs about the history of Shusha as well as he told them about the state it had been in during the occupation. The construction works carried out there under the direct control of President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva were covered too. The special representative also informed the Slovak parliamentarians of the on-going restoration of historical monuments in the city, and outlined the plans yet to be acted upon.

Then the guests visited Jidir Plain, where they were told how our warriors had valiantly the almost steep rock face to rid Shusha of the invaders at the cost of their lives and blood. Today, the Plain once again a venue of spectacular events just as it was before the occupation.

The Slovak MPs went to the village of Bash Garvand of Aghdam Province where Emin Huseynov talked about the 1st Grand Return state programme and the work being done accordingly, with the building of ‘smart’ villages and towns being one of the crucial components of this programme and its implementation.

The third programme project will be carried out nowhere else but in the same village, with its distinguishing feature being that it will be designed by Slovak specialists. The work will be done at Azerbaijan’s expense, though.

Mr Huseynov said that Bash Garvand would be restored wholly in the format of the project and the former IDP would return to it then.


The Press and Public Relations Department

The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.