At the Meeting of the Sciences and Education Committee

Committee Meetings
15 March 2021 | 17:35   

The Milli Majlis Committee for Sciences and Education held a meeting on 15 March; the meeting began with Committee Chairman Bakhtiyar Aliyev commenting on the 2020 performance report by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic. Having complimented the Cabinet on the work done last year, Mr Aliyev emphasised that not only had Azerbaijan passed creditably the test of the pandemic that had dealt the global economy a hefty damage during 2020, but the country had also made a number of national economic achievements thanks to the integrated action undertaken under the guidance of President Ilham Aliyev. Our position in the Doing Business 2020 rose by 6 tiers; besides, Azerbaijan was recognised as one of the ten most reformatory countries of the world. Having said this, Mr Aliyev pointed out that Azerbaijan had become yet more attractive in terms of doing business and investing in following its victory in the Patriotic War.

The Committee members spoke then to the effect that the achievements our country made in 2020 showed how a crisis could be turned into a success story; they also commented on the Government’s annual report favourably.

Next, Bakhtiyar Aliyev told them of the on-going drafting of a Bill on patriotic education. He said that the recommendations contained in the speech of President Ilham Aliyev at the first sitting of the sixth-convocation Parliament had set important tasks before the latter with educating the youth in the national and patriotic spirit being one of those. The Milli Majlis has been working on those tasks intensively ever since. In addition, the drafting of the Bill tabled before the Committee took on added relevancy in the light of the splendid Victory in the Patriotic War won precisely thanks to the valour of our patriotic youth, according to Mr Aliyev.

The Committee members Musa Gasimli, Isa Habibbayli, Aghiya Nakhchivanli, Eldar Guliyev, Kamila Aliyeva, Jeyhun Mammadov, Etibar Aliyev, Anar Iskandarov, Fatma Yildirim and Shahin Seyidzade commented on the tabled item. They shared their ideas about educating the young generation in the national spirit and instilling them with patriotism. They also underlined the importance of safeguarding the youth from foreign influences and of promoting their devotion to the national values and the national statehood.

The other Committee members Rafael Huseynov, Ulviya Agayeva, Tamam Jafarova, Afat Hasanova, Parvin Karimzade and Mushfig Mammadli as well as other officials were present at the meeting as well.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.