The Attitude of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the 13 March 2024 Resolution of the European Parliament ‘On Closer Ties between the European Union and Armenia and the Need for a Peace Agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia’

14 March 2024 | 14:35   

The European Parliament has once again demonstrated its open bias towards Azerbaijan by passing the resolution of 13 March 2024. It seems that the European Parliament has already fully become the legitimate representative of the Armenian Lobby, of the Azerbaijanophobic, Islamophobic, chauvinistic and racist forces – instead of dealing with the problems of the European peoples and the challenges they face.

We have witnessed, more than once in the past years, the stubborn reluctance of the European Parliament to recognise and support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. The current campaign levelled at the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, though, shows that the European Parliament has cast aside hypocrisy and duplicity and has unleashed an open assault upon Azerbaijan.

It is proved by the fact that the resolution contains open threats and demands to Azerbaijan, the unveiled support for the separatists, nailed to their own coffin, and the attempts to revive them. Also, Armenia’s military provocations along the conventional border are ignored deliberately whereas the steps France has taken to aggravate the situation in the South Caucasus are described as a’ support for the reforms in the Army’. And there are many other elements of this nature.

Another absurd instance is the attempt of the European Union to veil this onslaught upon Azerbaijan with the words about ‘the need for a peace agreement’. Passed at the time when negotiations are conducted about a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia and contradicting the very essence of the processes completely, this resolution could, on the contrary, be described as ‘a blow to a peace agreement’.

We are now telling the European Parliament of the utter needlessness of its ‘support’ of this manner and we recommend that it should apply its ‘efforts’ elsewhere.

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.