Speaker of Milli Majlis Meets Director-General of United Nations Office in Geneva

Chair`s Travels
17 May 2024 | 16:16   

As part of her working visit to Geneva for the 1st meeting of the organisation committee for the 6th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova had a meeting with Director-General of the UN Office in Geneva Tatiana Valovaya on 17 May.

The relations between the Organisation and our countries were discussed at the meeting in the ‘Azerbaijan Room’ at the UN Office in Geneva. Azerbaijan’s close co-operation with the UN and its institutes was underlined and so was the import of parliamentary dimension in countering modern global challenges.

It was mentioned that the ‘Azerbaijan Room’ was restored by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The Foundation’s work was lauded before it was said that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation was actively engaged in UN projects.

As the conversation went on, the Speaker of the Milli Majlis also touched upon the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change.  She pointed out that our country’s hosting such an important international event was an outcome of the recognition of Azerbaijan’s energetic in the tackling of climate change. Sahiba Gafarova also told about the Parliamentary Conference being organised jointly the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Milli Majlis to take place on the sidelines of the aforementioned session.

Next, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova told about the Parliament of Azerbaijan and its international activities. For instance, she updated Tatiana Valovaya of the visit to Switzerland and the 1st meeting of the organisation committee for the 6th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament.

Director-General of the UN Office in Geneva Tatiana Valovaya witnessed her contentment with this meeting and described Azerbaijan as a very important partner to the UN in a number of co-operation fields.

Also, Tatiana Valovaya fondly remembered her visit to Baku and the meetings she had had during it, including the one with Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova. According to Mrs Valovaya, she had had useful discussions about the relationship between the Organisation and Azerbaijan.

The Director-General expressed contentment with the forthcoming hosting of the COP29 by Azerbaijan and mentioned our country’s achievements in the ‘green’ energy sector.

Then, they exchanged views upon other matters of shared interest.

After the meeting, the parliamentary delegation led by the Speaker of the Milli Majlis went to the Thoughts and Wishes Monument in the Ariana Park in front of the Palace of Nations housing the UN Office in Geneva on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Azerbaijan’s membership in the UN.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.