Milli Majlis Speaker Sahiba Gafarova Delivers Speeches at 6th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament Organisation Committee Meeting and Women Parliament Speakers’ Meet in Geneva

Chair`s Travels
18 May 2024 | 11:02   


Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova delivered a speech at deliberations at the first meeting of the organisation committee of the sixth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament during her working venit to Geneva.

Saying that the discussions had addressed many crucial matters, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova also mentioned the all-encompassing and important debates held. She underlined the importance of parliamentary diplomacy in the promotion of peace, security and supremacy of law, and pointed up the close connexion between this subject and our thoughts of the future. According to the Speaker of the Milli Majlis, supremacy of law is the first order prerequisite for peace and security. Any approach to this matter ought to rest on strict observance of the universal standards and principles of international law, such as resect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of states and indiscriminate application of same.

Speaker Sahiba Gafarova then turned to the current global situation, saying that the topicality had to remain in the focus both in the work done by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and at the 6th World Conference.

Regarding the issue of climate change, the Speaker of the Milli Majlis referred to it as a global problem demanding urgent resolution.

Sahiba Gafarova  mentioned the election of Azerbaijan as the COP29 host with the unanimous support of all countries. This significant event will be held in Baku in November this year. According to Sahiba Gafarova, Azerbaijan will do everything possible to involve all parties and rally all states and communities to the common goal.

Sahiba Gafarova said also that the 6th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, too, should formulate new ideas and approaches to the matter, and to have them embedded in its subsequent activities.

Besides, Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova took art in the meeting of the Women Speakers of Parliament held on 17 May by way of rearing for the Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament.

The outcomes of the previous summits and several organisational matters related to the run-up to the next summit were discussed at that gathering.

In her speech there, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova drew attention to the problems that arise in ensuring gender equality around the world. She said that it had not yet been possible to resolve related issues in many countries even though the topic of gender equality had been discussed at various events.

The issues of increasing women's social activism, realising their right to education and ensuring representation in high positions should be widely discussed at the next summit, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova said. She also underscored the significance of women's active participation in this issue, especially given the exceptional relevance of the issue of global climate change.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.