The Attitude of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Statements that President of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg Claude Wiseler Made in Armenian Parliament

22 May 2024 | 17:05   

President of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg Claude Wiseler made a number of accusations directed at Azerbaijan whilst speaking in the Parliament during his visit to Armenia on 22 May. The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan condemns such biased and absurd ideas categorically and protests against them resolutely.

It appears as though the representatives of Luxembourg who have set French as the main language in their legislation had become overly fond of adhering to the ‘French style’ in their approach to the South Caucasus Region. Thus, they are not strangers to freely distorting the processes taking place in the region and even putting forward demands to Azerbaijan.

But the existing realia are arguably impossible to distort. May we remind the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg of several facts? Namely, that the territories of Azerbaijan recognised as such internationally and exceeding Luxembourg fourfold were occupied by Armenia for 30 years. That more than 1 million of our compatriots became refugees and IDP during the occupation. Also, that 8 towns and hundreds of villages as well as countless artefacts of historic and cultural heritage as well as cult edifices were destroyed and razed from the face of the Earth.

It is regrettable that the Parliament of Luxembourg which branded itself a guarantor of humanitarian values and fundamental rights elected a style of conduct of its very own and preferred to remain indifferent to all those tragic events – to those objective realia, that is to say.

Azerbaijan recovered her lands from occupation and enforced the standards and principles of international law independently and under the guidance of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. The territories that exceed the area of Luxembourg four times are being refurbished and restored with great efforts today. The IDP are returning to their homelands.

Despite all the grave consequences of the 30-year-long occupation and the horrendous deed done, Azerbaijan is now also the initiator of a normalisation process set to bestow lasting peace and stability upon the region. Clearly, whilst the Azerbaijani-Armenian bilateral peace conversations continue in a positive key currently, such statements by foreign emissaries are rather departed from any step likely to lead to peace and stability in the region. Beyond reasonable doubt, such interference attempts are intended to prevent successful results in the peace process. We suggest insistently that the Parliament of Luxembourg and tis President should take their ‘support’ elsewhere.

As regards the Armenian side, we would like to remind them that applauding and supporting one-sided approaches, fabrications and lies of third parties from outside the region with regard to the processes taking place in the region will fail to be beneficial to either the peace process or confidence-building steps.

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.