Milli Majlis Hosts a Conference ‘French Polynesia`s Right to Decolonisation: Problems and Prospects’

30 May 2024 | 20:49   

The Milli Majlis hosted a conference on ‘French Polynesia's Right to Decolonisation: Problems and Prospects’ on 30 May.

First Deputy Speaker of the Milli Majlis and Chairman of the parliamentary Law Policy and State-Building committee Ali Huseynli greeted the participants on behalf of Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova and wished the event success in its proceedings.

The First Deputy Speaker said that the Azerbaijani State and its people have always resisted the policy of neo-colonialism seriously. In particular, during the chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement, President Ilham Aliyev emphasised the importance of discussing this problem at the international level. It was noted that the establishment of the Baku Initiative Group also serves this purpose.

Following this, it was said that several positive decisions had been taken recently within the framework of the UN General Assembly. The UN General Assembly resolution ‘Self-Determination of French Polynesia’ of 17 May 2013 states the self-determination and independence of its people as its fundamental right. The adoption of this resolution is the result of a persistent struggle between the representatives of the State of Maohi Nui and the Tavini Huiraatira Party. However, it was also mentioned with regret that these colonies were not completely free from the French yoke still. Thus, the main topic of today's conference is to find solutions to these problems. Another document of the UN General Assembly reflects the issue of reparations for colonialism. This document provides the right to reparations and compensation for the damage caused by colonisation.

It was further pointed out that international law provided for states’ responsibility for war crimes, acts of genocide and crimes against humanity. However, a high litigation threshold was required to be crossed in international law for accountability for colonial and post-colonial crimes. That said, as noted, France has demonstrated inhumanity over the years by conducting some 200 nuclear tests on the islands, inflicting significant suffering to the people of Maohi Nui. The relevant UN General Assembly resolution also addresses the issue of the negative impact of nuclear testing on health and the environment. According to the UN Charter and General Assembly resolutions, the people of Maohi Nui now have the right to self-determination. Azerbaijan has supported justice and the people of Maohi Nui in this matter invariably.

Speaking at the conference, Victor Mamatuaiatapou, Head of the French Polynesia Delegation and Secretary General of the Tavini Huiraatira Party, described the efforts of his people and the party he represents to achieve their goals. He said that France ignored UN resolutions and wants to continue the nuclear tests. The guest referred to the isolation of his country and expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for the opportunity to bring the voice of his people to the wider public. Victor Mamatuaiatapou emphasised that his people are politically young and need Azerbaijan's support to restore justice.

 Member of the Committee on Legal Policy and State-Building Nizami Safarov remarked that the colonisation policy persists in the modern world, and the rights of various peoples are violated under colonial oppression. The parliamentarian said that on 14 December 1960, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration ‘On the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples’, confirming the importance of global decolonisation at the world level, but the implementation of this document has not yet been acted on. The situation in French Polynesia is a vivid example of this. The MP noted that more than 100,000 people had been affected by the nuclear tests in French Polynesia. France only established a commission to compensate the nuclear tests victims in 2010, and by 2022 had compensated 454 residents, of whom only 63 were Polynesians. In 1996, French Polynesia was removed from the UN list of territories subject to decolonisation but was included again in 2013. France continues its colonial policy in Polynesia despite international documents and the struggle of the local population for freedom. According to Nizami Safarov, Azerbaijan's position on French Polynesia is based on international law, principles of justice and the right to self-determination of peoples.

According to Executive Director of the Baku Initiative Group Abbas Abbasov who spoke next, several international conferences had been organised to draw public attention to the problems of colonised peoples. He said that France had consistently boycotted events on decolonisation organised by the United Nations. Abbas Abbasov mentioned the co-operation agreement signed between the Baku Initiative Group and Tavini Huiraatira Party, stressing that our country is always on the side of the peoples wishing to free themselves from colonialism.

Then, Chairmen of parliamentary committees Samad Seyidov, Ziyafet Asgarov, Zahid Oruj and Fazil Mustafa said that the Azerbaijani State and people supported the countries fighting against France’s colonial policy relying on the principles of humanism and justice. Their comments indicated Azerbaijan’s invariable support for the struggle for liberation from colonialism and constant advocation of peace. The country spared no effort to this end, strengthening its principled stand against colonialism as Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Members of the French Polynesia Delegation Mariania Wainaui, Cleef Lousan, Tewaiaea Hoiore, Ludovic Wani, Heinui Le Cey, Marielle Kohumoetini and Morea Mamatuaiatapou expressed gratitude for the conditions created to spread the information on France's colonialist policies throughout the world. They said that France influenced the Polynesian people politically, economically, spiritually and culturally, and appropriated their natural resources. They stressed the importance of proposing initiatives at the international level to discuss current issues and co-operation in this regard. The guests expressed appreciation for our country's support for the struggle to liberate French Polynesia from colonialism and praised the efforts made in this regard.

 As he spoke at the conclusion of the conference, Head of the French Polynesian Delegation and Secretary General of the Tavini Huiraatira Party Victor Mamatuaiatapou said that 40 years ago they were a small group fighting for independence. With that small group and limited opportunities, they fought against a huge force that had taken their land from them. He stated that in those days, just saying ‘I am not French’ was enough to go to jail. Despite numerous imprisonments, despite hunger and deprivation, they had always stayed true to their beliefs, though. Because they knew that it was their right, that truth and justice were on their side. That gave them the strength to continue their struggle.

Victor Mamatuaiatapou emphasised that they struggle for the existence of their nation. All they demand is the right of their people to live, to be heard. Today, France still does not want to heed them but keeps them in fear by threatening and pressurising them. At the same time, it itself rants about human rights, about democracy. But they do not believe in that anymore. So, they are here and believe that with the experience and support of their friends, the people of Maohi Nui will continue their struggle for freedom to the end.

Summing up the discussions, First Deputy Speaker of the Milli Majlis Ali Huseynli said that the Azerbaijani State and its people will continue their support in defence of the rights of French Polynesia and its struggle for independence.

The conference was attended by Members of the Milli Mejlis, representatives of relevant authorities and other officials.


The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.