At the Regional Affairs Committee meeting

22 October 2020 | 17:43   

The Committee for Regional Affairs of the Milli Majlis held a scheduled meeting on 22 October. The committee chairman Siyavush Novruzov opened the meeting.

The Committee Chairman spoke of the high combat readiness of the valiant Azerbaijani Army. He mentioned that the Azerbaijani Soldier had captured strategic elevations in Highland Garabagh and liberated the previously-occupied provincial hub towns and several villages of the Jabrayil, Fizuli and Zanghilan provinces demonstrating great valour.

Our people are certain they will recover the occupied lands soon under the guidance of the President/Commander-in-Chief of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. More and more lands are taken from the occupiers every day; we can witness the Azerbaijani Soldier making history at the front. It is a great victory to witness. Azerbaijan’s struggle for restoration of its territorial integrity is a righteous struggle.

Then, Siyavush Novruzov informed the assembled of the agenda of the meeting. He said that the Bill ‘On renaming the village of Veng in the Khojavend Province as the Chinarli village’ had been included in it as the legislative initiative of the Azerbaijani president. The village in question is situated in the administrative district of Hadrut in the said province of the country. The Committee Chairman remarked that not only did Armenia commit the genocide of our people whilst capturing our lands but it also changed the local place names criminally. Well, the powerful Azerbaijani State is restoring its territorial integrity under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief Mr Ilham Aliyev currently. The justice is being restored.

It is important politically, legally and morally to give the localities in the liberated lands their historical names back. This will erase the Armenian fakes. Given that plane-trees, the ‘chinar’ in Azerbaijani, are widespread in the territory of Garabagh, it would be only logical to rename that village from Veng to Chinarli.

Then, the Chairman of the Toponymy Commission under the auspices of the Milli Majlis Isa Habibbayli, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Regional Affairs Elshan Musayev and the MPs Tahir Rzayev, Sattar Mehbaliyev, Nizami Jafarov, Emin Hajiyev, Javid Osmanov and Aghil Mammadov shared their ideas about the on-going combat in Highland Garabagh. The MPs wished our glorious Army every success in this righteous cause.

The meeting participants expressed their opinions about the agenda item. Ultimately, they recommended that the Bill should be tabled at a plenary session of the Parliament.

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.