It is Important to Inject Energy in Ties with Baltic States

19 May 2021 | 20:46   

Chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee for International Relations and Interparliamentary Connections Samad Seyidov had a conversation with Ambassador of Latvia to Azerbaijan Dainis Garančs and Head of the Office of the Estonian Embassy in Baku Andrey Valentinov on 19 May.

Mr Seyidov pointed at the historical connections amongst our countries and told both diplomats that it was necessary to build closer contacts, organise mutual official visits, intensify the information exchange and enliven the dialogues. He also covered the co-operation with both Latvian and Estonian colleagues in international institutions including the Europarliament.

Azerbaijan de-occupied its lands and new realia have settled in across the region; still, certain European states ignore the present reality, allow themselves to be misled by Armenia’s provocative claims regarding border demarcation and, consequently, take stances rather removed from objectivity, according to Mr Seyidov.

Dainis Garančs voiced his extremely high regard of the parliamentary co-operation before stressing that the Latvian-Azerbaijani relations in general and the trade turnovers in particular had gone on despite the pandemic-generated circumstances. Latvian MPs plan a visit to Azerbaijan in the coming months, said Ambassador Garančs. He also shared information about other matters; for instance, he confirmed having seen with his own eyes the destruction wreaked in the Azerbaijani lands throughout the years of the Armenian occupation. According to Mr Garančs, the Latvian side are very pleased with the resolve of Azerbaijan to keep peace and stability in the region.

The attending leaders of the Azerbaijan-Estonia and Azerbaijan-Latvia interparliamentary connections Working Groups, Jala Ahmadova and Kamran Bayramov respectively, made known their views of the co-operative links’ prospects. They accentuated the importance of proliferating truthful information about Azerbaijan in Europe and communicating the objective state of affairs in the region to all concerned bodies. The guests were told that our country wishes peace the world over and in the region. It was remarked also that building normal relations with Azerbaijan would be good for Armenia itself.

Then, Andrey Valentinov described the meeting as a very interesting and useful one. He also offered his ideas about the future of the friendship and co-operation amongst our parliaments.

The Press and Public Relations
Department The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.