A Meeting of the EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Co-operation Committee Co-Chairs

19 May 2021 | 21:12   

The Co-Chairs of the European Union-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Co-operation Committee had a virtual meeting to discuss the post-war developments in the region thoroughly on 19 May.

Committee Co-Chair Marina Kaljurand took interest in the terrorists intercepted after the end of the conflict as well as in the tensions on the borders with Armenia while the other Co-Chair Javanshir Feyziyev briefed her on the current situation in the region in detail, shed light on the matters of concern to his interlocutor and answered a number of questions.

Javanshir Feyziyev told of Armenia’s travails to pose the provocateurs planted in the territory of Azerbaijan upon completion of the 44-day war as ‘prisoners of war’ and make the Azerbaijani side reinforcing its own state border in the liberated territories appear as ‘an assault’ upon Armenia. Not only does Armenia confuse the international community by spreading such claims detached from reality but it also releases inflated figures as to the number of the apprehended diversionists. It is rather probable, Mr Feyziyev remarked, that the soldiers missing since the war have been added to the lot.

The draft resolution ‘Prisoners of War of the Latest Conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan’, due to be tabled at the Europarliament on 20 May, was discussed at the meeting as well. The Azerbaijani side vented its displeasure with the text of that document.

As regards the borderline tensions, they are caused by Armenia having planted posts in the captured Azerbaijani territories as well as conducted settlement in them during the occupation period. It was said that the problem was being discussed with the involvement of representatives of both countries’ border security authorities.

Then, Javanshir Feyziyev noted that it was rather incomprehensible of the Western circles to lay accusative claims against Azerbaijan on the basis of the biased and fake releases of Armenia. Also, Mr Feyziyev was curious how come no such sensitive approach was manifested when the lands of Azerbaijan were occupied and whilst the Armenians were busy destroying the Azerbaijani cultural and historical heritage in those captured provinces.

The Azerbaijani MP stressed at the meeting that Azerbaijan was committed to peace and stability in the region. Vis-à-vis the current rhetoric of Armenian politicians, MP Feyziyev put it down to the election due in that country soon enough and could not rule out that the rhetoric in question was intended for the domestic audience only. More likely than not, it will become redundant after the election, which is when, MP Feyziyev said, we shall be able to see clearly what Armenia’s intents concerning future development of the region are.

The Press and Public Relations
Department The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.