Akmal Burkhanov: ‘It is Necessary to Learn Azerbaijan’s Experience’

20 May 2021 | 22:45   

Chairman of the Milli Majlis Defence, Security and Counter-Corruption Committee Ziyafet Asgarov met with Director of the Counter-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 20 May.

Ziyafet Asgarov began with a narrative about the history of the diplomatic ties between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, which, he stressed, had been on the rise throughout the independence period. He also touched on the role of the reciprocal visits of the heads of the states in the expansion of bilateral co-operation in many areas and highlighted the significance of both sides’ friendship groups for the broadening of the interparliamentary connexions. Further, Mr Asgarov spoke of how the friendly and fraternal Uzbekistan had supported the sovereignty and territorial wholeness of Azerbaijan invariably and had remained committed to that stance during the Patriotic War, too. All that is highly appreciated in our country, according to Mr Asgarov.

Akmal Burkhanov, for his part, pinpointed the recently-present positive dynamics in the progressing mutual relations and underlined the need in a continued expansion of the bilateral co-operation. Mr Burkhanov updated Mr Alasgarov on the large-scale reforms undertaken in Uzbekistan in five areas one of which is specifically the effort to counter corruption. The Counter-Corruption Agency is a newly-established entity, Mr Burkhanov mentioned; and so, the Uzbek side desire to acquaint themselves with the relevant experience of Azerbaijan, especially as such a desire is backed by the high priority given to it at the state level in Uzbekistan. The guest also provided detailed information about the Agency.

Ziyafet Asgarov told Akmal Burkhanov of the steps taken in this area in Azerbaijan. He informed him thoroughly of the relevant presidential decrees, the laws enacted by the Milli Majlis, the international conventions that Azerbaijan had joined, the entities responsible for the struggle against corruption, the current reforms in the law enforcement authorities and, especially importantly, the personnel-related ones, the ASAN brand that had won the public recognition through its transparent work and so forth. Mr Asgarov also spoke of his committee’s work furthered in close co-operation with the relevant authorities and said that the Milli Majlis as a legislature had taken serious steps to build the legal frameworks required for an efficient action against venality. The laws passed so far factored dramatically in the reduction of corruption and bribery cases in the society, according to Mr Asgarov.

Akmal Burkhanov then said that the Uzbek side considered it important to create co-operative bonds with the appropriate Azerbaijani agencies as well as to acquire the experience of the Milli Majlis. Many legal and regulatory drafts concerned with counter-corruption are in place already; this work requires the parliament’s support. The guest also underlined the importance of the meetings held with area experts and MPs in Azerbaijan.

Members of the Milli Majlis Defence, Security and Counter-Corruption Committee Amina Agazade and Arzu Naghiyev as well as other officials took part in the meeting as well.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.