Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis Adil Aliyev Met with President of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum Taha Ayhan

17 November 2020 | 10:25   

The Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis and Chair of the parliamentary Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports Adil Aliyev received the visiting delegation led by the President of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) Taha Ayhan on 17 November.

During the meeting, Adil Aliyev recalled that Azerbaijan had hosted numerous events and projects of the organisation represented by Mr Ayhan, including the 1st General Assembly of the ICYF and the events conducted by the ICYF Eurasian Regional Centre. Mr Aliyev went further to say that President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan attached a great importance to sports and youth affairs constituting one of the main application areas of his state policy. The hosting of the IV Islamic Solidarity Games in Baku was a vivid example of this attitude, in the opinion of Mr Aliyev who remarked that the Games held in our country also mattered in that they would further reinforce the solidarity of the Islamic states. Mr Aliyev referred to the significance of the current leadership of such an influential organisation by the brotherly Republic of Turkey.

Then, the Vice Speaker spoke of the currently heightened level of friendship and brotherhood between Azerbaijan and Turkey, both of which countries have the ancient historical backgrounds. The sincere relationship between the two state leaders is of an exceptional importance for the progress of the mutual support and strategic partnership, Mr Aliyev opined. He expressed the gratitude of each and every citizen of Azerbaijan for Turkey’s political and moral support to Azerbaijan during the Patriotic War that was fought for Highland Garabagh, for restoration of the wholeness of our country and for liberation of its occupied lands.

Mentioning that their visit coincided with the very remarkable days, Mr Aliyev drew the guests’ attention to the recent completion of the 30-year-long Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Highland Garabagh, crowned with Azerbaijan’s splendid triumph. Our glorious Army celebrated an unparalleled victory over Armenia in a short while; now, more than a million compatriots evicted from their homes for long years are preparing to return to them.

Touching on the law-making processes at the Milli Majlis, the Vice Speaker informed the guests extensively of the work done by his Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports.

President Taha Ayhan of the ICYF thanked for the warm welcome and, in turn, supplied his hosts with detailed information about the work of the Youth Forum and its projects. The ICYF unites young people in 46 people right now; this includes the Muslim youth living in non-Muslim countries, too, he added.

Next, the guest mentioned the active involvement of the ICYF in telling the world of the realia in Azerbaijan, stressing that his Organisation spared no effort on this cause in the format of the ‘Justice for Khojaly’ international campaign.

The Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports Shahin Ismayilov praised the visit of the leader of the ICYF, underlined the need to strengthen the ties between young people and pointed at the positive dynamics manifest in this sphere. Mr Ismayilov also expressed his satisfaction with the advancing relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Eldaniz Salimov of the Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports commented on the mutually rewarding co-operation with the ICYF and the joy of the Victory we are experiencing these days. He thanked the Turkish state and people for their backing in making this victory happen.

The meeting also saw an exchange of opinions about the furtherance of relations in the youth policy field and about other matters of interest to both sides.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.