Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova Met with Chairman of Afghanistan National Assembly’s Wolesi Jirga in Islamabad

Chair`s Travels
02 June 2021 | 17:16   

Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova who is taking part in the 2nd General Conference of the PAECO in Islamabad met with Chairman of the House of the People (the lower house) of the National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mir Rahman Rahmani on 2 June.

The Chair of the Milli Majlis referred to the ties of friendship and fraternity between the Azerbaijani and Afghani peoples, saying then that the mutual relations had ascended qualitatively after Azerbaijan had gained independence. The meetings and conversations of the two state leaders had factored into the deepening of the interaction materially, according to Mrs Gafarova.

The Speaker of the Azerbaijani Parliament recalled with pleasure Afghanistan’s unequivocal support for Azerbaijan’s just stance both during the 44-day Patriotic War and at all the stages of the Highland Garabagh Conflict that is now committed to history. The Azerbaijani side appreciated very much the declarations of the Afghani authorities including Meshrano Jirga (the House of Elders) and Wolesi Jirga of the National Assembly stating the support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. Sahiba Gafarova thanked her colleague and the people of Afghanistan for their fair standpoint and backing.

It is important for the progress of our relations in the parliamentary dimension that the legislatures of both sides have the friendship groups in action, Mrs Gafarova added.

Chairman of Wolesi Jirga Mir Rahman Rahmani said, in turn, that not only the political relations but also the bonds in other areas set high standards between Afghanistan and Azerbaijan nowadays. The traditional friendship of our nations formed over the course of history occupies a special place in the deepening of the bilateral co-operation, in the opinion of Mr Rahmani.

Our interparliamentary connexions are progressing, too; the mutual visits of our MPs and their regular encounters at various international organisations provide for discussions about the matters of concern to both sides, which is important. Mr Rahmani added that the fact that delegations converged under the aegis of such institutions as the Economic Co-operation Organisation could create a momentum behind the implementation of the regional projects.

Such subjects as co-operation within the frameworks of parliamentary organisations, promotion of ties between the legislatures, counter-terrorism and others were discussed during the conversation, too.

The Press and Public Relations
Department The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.