Azerbaijani-Ukrainian Co-operation Prospects Discussed at a Tour-de-Table

10 June 2021 | 22:41   

There was a round-table session ‘Ukraine-Azerbaijan: The Co-operation Prospects’ held as in the videoconferencing format on 10 June. Among the participants were the Leader of the Working Group for the interparliamentary connexions Azerbaijan-Ukraine Rufat Guliyev, officials of the Azerbaijan Republic State Committee for the Diaspora, members of the Friendship Group for Azerbaijan in Ukraine’s Supreme Rada, members of the Azerbaijani Diaspora in Azerbaijan, public figures and representatives of academic circles.

Rufat Guliyev spoke at the videoconference to say that Azerbaijan and Ukraine were strategic partners with the relations between them having graduated to a new level thanks to the endeavours of the two state leaders. Our invariable mutual support in international organisations, too, has had a material part in boosting the common trust, according to Mr Guliyev.

The Azerbaijani MP praised the support from the state and the people of Ukraine at the time of the 44-day Patriotic War when the victorious Azerbaijani Army led by Commander-in-Chief and President Ilham Aliyev had freed our lands from occupation. Besides, MP Guliyev underscored the importance of the multi-faceted co-operation between our countries, be it bilaterally nor in the international arena.

The other speakers shared their ideas about such high-profile matters as strengthening the bipartite interparliamentary relations, the interaction growth prospects in the economic, cultural, humanitarian, social, educational and other fields, raising the bilateral trade volume, promotion of investments and reinforcement of regional security.

The round-table session moderator, a journalist and a public activist Yevgheniy Androshyuk thanked the participants of the event before its closure. The moderator remarked with confidence that such forums were going to prove useful in the continued progress of the Azerbaijani-Ukrainian relations and in the tapping in full the immense co-operation potentials of both countries.

The Press and Public Relations
Department The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.