Ambassador of Pakistan to Azerbaijan Called at Milli Majlis

18 November 2020 | 12:03   

Members of the Working Group for the Azerbaijani-Pakistani interparliamentary contacts met with the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to our country Bilal Hayee at the Milli Majlis on 18 November.

The Leader of the Working Group Ganira Pashayeva mentioned at the meeting the appreciation by Azerbaijan of the friendly and brotherly ties between our countries. Pakistan was by Azerbaijan’s side during the counter-offensive that followed yet another Armenian provocation, and supported unwaveringly Azerbaijan’s righteous cause and Patriotic War waged for liberation of our lands that had remained occupied for 30 years. During those difficult days, the leaders, parliament, government and state officials of Pakistan expressed their solidarity with Azerbaijan everywhere including in the social networks.

‘We thank the state and people of Pakistan for all this’, Mrs Pashayeva said.

She went further to underline the extensive potential to broaden the cultural, economic and educational bonds between the two countries and to mention the steps taken to that end already. The parliamentary ties play a crucial role in the advancement of the bilateral relations, it was said. The Ambassador was informed that the Working Group led by Mrs Pashayeva was one of the largest ones active in the realm of international relations in the Milli Majlis.

Ambassador Hayee first congratulated the Members of the Milli Majlis and the people of Azerbaijan on the glorious victory secured in the Patriotic War under the guidance of the country’s Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev.

‘I am fortunate that I shall be ambassador to Azerbaijan in such a period,’ Ambassador Hayee remarked. Then, he stressed that the 44-day Patriotic War of Azerbaijan had no peers in world history and had brought the country a brilliant triumph in achieving which the Milli Majlis had had a great input, too.

The attending Working Group Members Tahir Rzayev and Sadig Gurbanov commented that a friend in need is a friend indeed. They underscored Pakistan’s support to Azerbaijan during the latter’s difficult days being yet another proof that Pakistan is a friendly and brotherly country. At the same time, the Azerbaijani side are proud to have such a friend and brother.

The double standards in currency in the global politics and several on-going issues were brought up during the meeting as well. Besides, there went an exchange of views upon the co-operation between Azerbaijan and Pakistan.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.