Zaza Vashakhmadze – ‘Religious Legislation Experience Exchange Very Important to Us’

26 August 2021 | 19:00   

Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis and chairman of the parliamentary Committee for Public Associations and Religious Institutions Fazail Ibrahimli met on 26 August the visiting delegation led by Zaza Vashakhmadze, chairman of Georgia’s State Agency for Religious Issues.  

As the meeting unfolded, Mr Ibrahimli referred to the subject of the historical ties of friendship and co-operation uniting our countries, adding that Azerbaijan and Georgia, now two independent states, set a fine example of good neighbourly relations to some other countries. The strengthening of our two nations’ friendship and mutual goodwill depends in many respects on religious leniency and tolerance, stressed the chairman of the Azerbaijani parliamentary committee.

The chairman of the State Agency for Religious Issues of Georgia Zaza Vashakhmadze said, in turn, that he considered his visit to Baku an honour. He told of the useful meetings held with the Azerbaijani committees for religious institutions and for the Diaspora affairs before thanking Azerbaijan for its unfailing support for the territorial integrity of Georgia. At the same time, he emphasised, his country, too, had always advocated the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

According to the guest, our peoples have lived in peace and prosperity for centuries on end and, right now, the two neighbouring states are strategic partners in a number of fields. The rights of the Azerbaijanis living in Georgia are protected by the national Constitution; our country folk are represented in the state and government bodies, the legislative assembly and the local executive authorities of Georgia, Mr Vashakhmadze was saying. He informed Mr Ibrahimli that 200 out of the 300 mosques situated in Georgia had been put in the charge of the Muslims already; this process goes on, too. The State treats the population’s religious viewpoints with respect. Members of the top state echelon take part in the Muslim religious festivities and congratulate the Muslims on such holidays. The Georgian State is working on achieving a yet closer interaction amongst all its communities.

The chairman of Georgia’s State Agency for Religious Issues broached another as important matter as the conversation continued. Namely, he noted that Azerbaijan had passed its law on religion back in 1992 whilst there was no such law in effect in Georgia yet. Mr Vashakhmadze mentioned the intention of the Georgian side to secure the assistance of the Azerbaijani Parliament and underlined the utmost importance of exchanging experience for the composition of such a law.

Vice Speaker Fazail Ibrahimli briefed Mr Vashakhmadze of the said Azerbaijani law and let it be known that the Freedom of Religion Law had been amended in line with the dictate of the times during the spring session of this year.

The Georgian ambassador to Azerbaijan Zurab Pataradze, in turn, highlighted the high standards set by the bilateral inter-state relations, all-in co-operation and strategic partnership. Mr Pataradze also thanked the Azerbaijani authorities for their grant assistance with oxygen supplies to coronavirus infection patients as well as for the sizeable liquid medical oxygen shipments to Georgia.

Memorable gifts to the Milli Majlis were handed over then.

There was also a conversation about various other matters of interest to both sides during the meeting.  

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.