IPA CIS Permanent Commissions Held Their Meetings in Videoconferencing Mode

26 November 2020 | 12:44   

Three Permanent Commissions of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States held their meetings in the videoconferencing mode on 26 November.

All the three Commissions considered organisational matters and elected their respective new chairs, deputy chairs and secretaries. The work the Commissions had done during 2019 and their work-in-progress were looked at in the course of the deliberations following the respective agendas. Then, the dates and draft agendas of the next scheduled meetings of all the three Commissions were defined.

The MPs of the Milli Majlis Rufat Guliyev, Iltizam Yusifov, Nizami Jafarov, Anatoly Rafailov, Rauf Aliyev and Tamam Jafarova took an active part in the meetings of the Commissions of which they are members.


The IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Economy and Finance had 8 items on its agenda for the meeting.

The Commission members heard a report on the model Bill ‘On Regional Investment Projects’ and then discussed it thoroughly.

The participants of the meeting also talked over the draft Recommendations concerning development and deployment of partnership mechanisms in the CIS member-states. The deliberations went in the spirit of pluralism of opinions; various views and proposals were voiced.

Besides, the Commission looked at the outcomes of the meeting that the Economic Export Council of the IPA CIS had held on 27 October 2020. 


The IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Social Policy and Human Rights had 18 items on its meeting agenda. The meeting began with the organisational matters being addressed and MP Nizami Safarov of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan being elected the new Chairman of the Commission.

Then were discussed the outcomes of the 4th St Petersburg International Labour Forum. Special attention was paid to the measures adopted in the CIS states to counter the COVID-19 pandemic; the Commission Members found it necessary to support those efforts legislatively. They then considered the declaration ‘On the Role of the Parliaments in the Joint Struggle of the IPA CIS and the World Health Organisation’s European Regional Office against COVID-19’.

The agenda meeting also included the reports about the model Bills on protection of the health of children and of their rights to medical aid in the CIS countries, psychiatric aid and ensuring the right to receive it, clinical recommendations about medical aid, marketing foodstuff for children, protecting public health against the damage caused by tobacco smoke, organ donorship and other matters. Substantial opinion exchanges about the Bills were held.

Next, the meeting participants looked at amending the Perspective CIS Model Legislation Plan for 2020-2022 and the draft model Migration Code intended for the Commonwealth members. The MPs also expressed their attitudes to the draft Recommendations about the legal status of citizens for receipt of information, legislative protection of employee demands in corporate bankruptcy cases and the pension provisions for citizens within the CIS territory. 


The agenda of the meeting of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport had 13 items included in it. First, organisational matters were taken care of. MP Rauf Aliyev of the Milli Majlis was elected Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

Then, the Commission heard the reports about the drafting of the model Bill ‘On the Prevention of Violations in the Area of Information Communication Technologies’. Several comments and offers were made in the course of the opinion exchange that followed.

The Commission members also stated their views upon the draft Recommendations about the co-operation amongst the CIS member-states in the digital development field.

A special kind of attention was given to the drafting of the new-edition drafts of the model Information Code and the model Intellectual Property Code, both meant for the Commonwealth states.

The Commission members discussed in detail the drafting of the new editions of the model Bills ‘On the State Support to Film-Making’ and ‘On Theatre and Theatrical Activity’ and the draft Recommendations on applying a uniform approach to the issuance of advance copies of written works published electronically within the CIS boundaries. Other matters were addressed, too.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.