An Online Meeting of Interparliamentary Friendship Groups of Azerbaijan and Ukraine

03 December 2020 | 13:50   

The Azerbaijan-Ukraine and Ukraine-Azerbaijan interparliamentary friendship groups had a video conference on 3 December.

The leader of the Azerbaijan-Ukraine interparliamentary friendship group Rufat Guliyev and the group members Vugar Iskenderov, Mushfig Jafarov, Naghif Hamzayev, Elman Nasirov, Amina Agazade, Javid Osmanov and Anar Mamedov joined the online meeting. The co-chairmen of the Ukraine-Azerbaijan interparliamentary friendship group Valeriy Kolyuh and Vladimir Kreydenko, the Ukrainian ambassador to Azerbaijan Vladislav Kanevsky, Vusal Suleymanov of the Azerbaijani embassy in Ukraine, the leader of the Azerbaijani Diaspora in Ukraine Hikmat Javadov and other people took part in the meeting as well.

Mr Kolyuh welcomed the participants of the online meeting and told them that the working group for Azerbaijan was one of the largest in the Ukrainian Parliament. The group has more than 50 members and it is because of its size that the group has two co-chairmen.

Mr Kreydenko, the second co-chairman of that group, spoke of Ukraine’s perpetual support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan – the support that he added would be continued henceforth. Both co-chairmen congratulated the Azerbaijani side on the restoration of the territorial unity of their country and expressed a confidence in the soon economic and infrastructural growth in the territories liberated from occupation. It was said also that the relations between our countries rested on mutual respect and trust.

Mr Guliyev thanked the state and people of Ukraine for the unequivocal high-level support to Azerbaijan in its area wholeness cause. Both the international law and justice were on Azerbaijan’s side in that struggle – and Azerbaijan won the struggle.

Next, Mr Guliyev spoke of the strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Ukraine that had attained new and higher standards thanks to the endeavours of the presidents of both countries. There are more than 500,000 Azerbaijanis living in Ukraine right now; many Azerbaijani youth are students at the Ukrainian universities, according to Mr Guliyev.

That was followed by exchanges of opinions about promotion of the interparliamentary ties, increasing the bilateral trade volumes, relaunching the direct flights connecting the two countries, furthering investments and agricultural co-operation. 

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.