The People Remember the Patriotic War Fallen

21 October 2021 | 17:19   

MP Sadig Gurbanov took part in the commemoration ceremony for Nurlan Niyazi oglu Nurmammadov, the Shabran Province resident who bore down on the enemy in defence of his Motherland with the start of the war.

The Head of the Shabran Provincial Administration Asif Huseynov, members of the local public, the fallen hero’s friends and family and the mothers of the other dwellers of the province killed in action during the Patriotic War took part in the commemoration as well.

Those who spoke at the ceremony emphasised that our people who had risen for the just cause to free our lands after thirty years of occupation and defeat the enemy in autumn last year had prevailed precisely thanks to their courageous sons – such as Nurlan Nurmammadov, for instance. Those who knew the shahid talked about his military service, exploits at the Patriotic War and the valour shown in the engagements for the Fuzuli Province. It was mentioned that the shahid Nurlan Nurmammadov had been decorated with the medals ‘For the Motherland’ and ‘For the Liberation of Fuzuli’ in appreciation of his noble discharge of the filial duty to the Motherland and the nation in the course of the restoration of his country’ territorial wholeness and the eviction of the sworn enemy from our lands.

The assembled paid their profound homage to the relatives of the shahid.


MP Sadig Gurbanov, the Head of the Siazan Province executive administration Novruz Novruzov and members of the local public took part in the commemoration of the shahid Sadig Mubariz oglu Mammadov.

The speakers at the ceremony referred to Sadig Mammadov’s courage during the 44 days’ Patriotic War, his dutifulness and fearlessness in action and the resolve to wrest our lands from the enemy’s vile grip.

The shahid’s family and friends told of his path of life, human qualities and patriotism and how the artillery detachment commanding officer Sadig Mammadov had destroyed four combat positions, a liaison vehicle and a liaison tower of the enemy. He had also bravely saved the lives of many soldiers and the State had appreciated his merits: the warrior was decorated, posthumously, alas, with the ‘For the Motherland’, ‘The Battle Merit’ and ‘For the Liberation of Kalbajar’ medals.

MP Sadig Gurbanov paid his heartfelt homage to the shahid families and enquired after their concerns.

The Press and Public Relations Department

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