At the IACIS Gatherings

21 October 2021 | 17:50   

Two permanent commissions and the Expert Council on Health Care of the CIS IPA were held in the videoconferencing mode on 21 October.

What work was carried out during 2020 and the matters in execution currently were discussed at the meetings. Model draft laws and draft recommendation sets were talked about in a spirit of thought pluralism; opinions and proposals were put forth. Besides, administrative matters were addressed and the times and tentative agendas of the next meetings of all the three IACIS units were determined.

First, there was the meeting of the Permanent Commission on Practices of State-Building and Local Government; Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis Family, Women’s and Children’s Affairs Committee Jala Aliyeva took part in it.

They heard a report about draft sustainable development concepts and legislative foundations for such concepts for the CIS states. The Commission also reviewed the work done currently on a new set of draft recommendations for the CIS countries’ international elections and referenda monitors. Next came the Bills concerned with many aspects of conducting elections in the state and municipal sectors, also, on provision of services, property privatisation and over topicalities.

It should be mentioned that MP Jala Aliyeva refrained from voting on the draft sustainable development concepts and legislative foundations for such concepts for the CIS states, stating that the Azerbaijani side held a special position regarding the item.


As for the online meeting of the Permanent Commission on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology, its agenda included, amongst other things, model draft laws and sets of draft recommendations ‘On the Legal Treatment of Radioactive Contamination Areas’, ‘On Ecological Security’ (the new edition), ‘On Production and Consumption Waste’ (the new edition), ‘On Special Protection Natural Areas’ (the new edition), ‘On the Accessibility of Ecological Information’ (the new edition), ‘On Environmental Funds’, ‘On the Apiary Practice’, ‘On the Organic Agriculture’ and ‘On Assessing Extractive Operations’ Potential Impacts on Public Health in Neighbouring Territories’. Several appropriate decisions were made.

Our MP, Deputy Chairman of the aforementioned Commission Mikhail Zabelin attended that meeting.


The gathering of the IACIS Expert Council on Health Care included an informative session ‘The Principles of the Bioethics, Comparative Health Care and Restoration for the CIS Member States to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals’. They considered various aspects of streamlining the national legislations to allow the Commonwealth republics achieve those goals. Besides, the meeting participants exchanged opinions about such matters as, to mention but a few, the procedural and institutional facets of biological security provision and the correlation of the primal socio-economic conditions.

The Azerbaijani MP Anatoly Rafailov took part in that meeting.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.