Our MP Joins a Regional Session of Heads of OSCE Field Missions in SE Europe

27 October 2021 | 15:47   

The regional meeting of the heads of the OSCE field missions in the Southeast Europe was conducted in a hybrid form on 26-27 October.

MP Azay Guliyev who leads the delegation of the Milli Majlis to the OSCE PA and is an OSCE PA Vice President as well as Special Representative for the SE Europe took part in the meeting, too

The two-day conference was dedicated to the hurdles put by the COVID-19 pandemic in the way of multilateral co-operation, the activities of the SE Europe missions, countering terrorism globally and regionally, integration of the region’s countries with the European Union and the series of discussions about the Helsinki Principles of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

Azay Guliyev who had joined the conference on the force of his special representative’s mandate said that that mandate encompassed reporting to the Assembly on promotion of dialogue amongst all the sections of a society, especially, on the parliamentary plane, in order to foster reconciliation and restoration of relations in SE Europe in general and in the Western Balkans in particular. MP Guliyev also mentioned promotion of transformation, generation of democratic institutions and co-ordination of the work done by the concerned OSCE committees and the PA in connexion with the developments occurring in the region.

Going further, Azay Guliyev referred to the monitoring of the region’s hot spots and current situation and the forthcoming official visit to Turkey together with the OSCE PA President. Next month, he said, he planned to travel to Greece in order to discuss the situation with migrants. As for next year, the OSCE PA proposes to monitor the parliamentary elections in Serbia and the general election in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Press and Public Relations Department  
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.