IPA CIS Held a Videoconference ‘The Youth Against the Glorification of the Nazism’

18 December 2020 | 20:46   

The Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS held a videoconference ‘The Youth Against the Glorification of the Nazism’ on 18 December. Members of the Milli Majlis Delegation to the IPA CIS Amina Agazade (Deputy Chair of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission for Legal Matters) and MP Kamran Bayramov took part in the event alongside the other participants.

The opening remarks came from the meeting moderator Mukhammad Valiyev. Mr Valiyev, who is Co-ordinator of the CIS Youth Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and MP of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan), mentioned the conference being dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The following presentations were heard during the videoconference: ‘The Modern International Law as the Main Outcome of the World War II’, ‘The USSR Peoples’ Contribution to the Victory over the Fascism: the Historical Legacy Preservation’, ‘The Contribution of the Republic of Belarus to Countering the Glorification of the Nazism’, ‘The Methods to Discourage History Falsifications and Glorification of the Nazism; the Main Vectors of the Military-Patriotic Upbringing of the Youth’, ‘Preservation of the Historical Memory as a Foundation of National Stability’, ‘The Input of the “National Council of the Youth and Children’s Associations of Russia” to the Preservation of the Historical Memory and to the Struggle against Falsification of History’, ‘International Reconciliation and Tolerance as Important Factors of the Anti-Nazism’ and ‘The Role of Mass Media in Protecting the Historical Truths’. The presenters of the parliaments of Russia, Tajikistan, Belarus, Moldova and Uzbekistan as well as the delegates of several concerned authorities and public organisations emphasised the importance of keeping the historical reality intact and of handing it down to young generations undistorted. They also underlined the significance of a united drive to control the glorification of the Nazism and to counter the falsification of history.

MP Amina Agazade’s videoconference presentation was ‘Prevention of the Glorification of the Nazism in the CIS in Defence of Future Generations against Hatred, Discrimination and Intolerance’. Speaking of the unique role of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani people in the Victory the 75th anniversary of which is celebrated this year, MP Agazade mentioned the Milli Majlis having instituted the ‘Great Patriotic War Victory 75th Anniversary (1945-2020) Medal’ to mark the remarkable date. The GPW veterans had been decorated with the medals, MP Agazade added.

She went further to say that the victory over the Nazi Germany was one of the biggest highlights in world history and the source of both national and military pride of all the peoples of the former Soviet Union. However, and alas, the history is being distorted on purpose in some countries nowadays; the creatures who had lost whatever human dignity they might had had and had collaborated with the Fascists are being glorified and popularised at schools and amongst the youth. One tell-tale example is the monument of the Fascist henchman, executioner and traitor to his country Gareghin Njde – Gareghin Ter-Harutyunyan – the monument that was erected in Armenia. The six-metre-tall statute standing in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan is the only monument to a Nazi sidekick in the whole of the Commonwealth of the Independent States.  

The member of the Milli Majlis went further to stress that Armenia had once again proven the wide spread of the Fascist ideology in it with the barbaric destruction of the historical and cultural heritage in the Azerbaijani lands it had occupied. The lamentable state of Garabagh and the seven provinces around it, all de-occupied already, is a sheer proof and manifestation of the Armenian Fascism.

MP Agazade said then that there was no vaccination against the Fascism but that it is only through a systematic, purposeful and unwavering struggle against its manifestations that we could discourage its propagation amongst the young people.

There was an exchange of opinions about the presentations during the videoconference; various ways to counter glorification of the Nazism were proposed. MP Kamran Bayramov was taking an active part in the discussions.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.