Italian Senators Send V-Day Congratulation Letters to Azerbaijani Colleagues

08 November 2021 | 14:23   

Italian Senators Stefano Lucidi and Gianluca Ferrara have sent letters to the leader of the Azerbaijan-Italy inter-parliamentary connexions working group of the Milli Majlis on the first anniversary of the Azerbaijani people’s historic victory in the Patriotic War.

Senator Stefano Lucidi who is chairing at the Senate Commission for Foreign Affairs and Emigration and helms the Italy-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Friendship Groups sends his sincere congratulations on the first anniversary of the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan Republic in keeping with the UN Security Council resolutions of 1993.

The liberation of Shusha on 8 November 2020 and the signing of the tripartite statement of 9-10 November 2020 marked the beginning of a new phase in the history of Azerbaijan, Mr Lucidi stresses in his letter before sending Mr Karimli his best and warmest greetings and to our country the wishes of peace, stability and prosperity.


Senator Gianluca Ferrara, the vice president of the Italian Senate’s dominant Five Star Movement Party, congratulates the Azerbaijani colleague Azer Karimli sincerely on the restored territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan Republic, which, he stresses in his letter, is supported through the appropriate resolutions that the UN Security Council passed way back in 1993.

Senator Ferrara emphasises also that he had had the unique opportunity to visit the liberated territories and pay his respects to those who had fought for their freedom.

Whilst welcoming the substantial progress, Mr Ferrara wrote, he hoped that the war and the conflict were left in the past and that durable peace had been achieved in this territory at last. Reconciliation would be central to guaranteeing stability, security, co-operation and prosperity in the region in which Azerbaijan has a fundamental, leading role to play, it is written in Mr Ferrara’s letter.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.