Gazakh Province Shahids’ Medals are Given to their Families

19 January 2022 | 15:52   

The medals awarded to four more Patriotic War shahids were given over to their families during a special ceremony that took place in the Gazakh Province.

Specifically, those were Senior Lieutenant Nabi Hajibala oglu Huseynov’s medal ‘For Liberation of Fuzuli’, Private Anar Hamza oglu Valiyev’s ‘For Liberation of Sugovushan’, Private Sakit Shahin oglu Allahverdiyev’s ‘For Liberation of Shusha’ and Junior Ensign Royal Shahin oglu Madatov’s ‘For Liberation of Fuzuli’.

The head of the executive authority of the Gazakh Province Rajab Babashov, the chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee for International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Samad Seyidov as well as officials of the provincial administration and of the State Mobilisation and Conscription Service called at the fallen heroes’ homes and handed their medals to members of their families.

Samad Seyidov noted during the conversations they were having that he bowed to the spirits of all our shahids; he once again expressed his condolences to their families.

It was said also that our shahids were our pride and would remain so forevermore. We owe our Victory and the joy of being citizens of a victorious country to our shahids as well as to the gazies who sacrificed their health on the battlefield. Each of us is proud of the fathers and mothers who had raised the patriots that had laid down their lives for the sake of their native soil, Mr Seyidov was saying. Years will pass and generations will change but the exploits and the service of our shahids to the Motherland will never ever be forgotten. Having said that, Mr Seyidov underlined the importance and necessity of handing down to the generations the tale of the lives, combat paths and heroism in the name of the Motherland of our sons who had written the history of their nation in their own blood. We all, without exception, are grateful to Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and the soldiers and officers of our victorious Army as well to the shahids and gazies who freed the native lands at the expense of their lives and health for the splendid Victory they brought us, Samad Seyidov emphasised.

They all prayed that the Almighty would rest our shahids’ souls merry, grant their families endurance and bestow good health on our gazies.

The Press and Public Relations Department

The Milli Majlis


The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.