Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova Conducts A Scheduled Virtual Surgery

Chair`s Meetings
19 January 2022 | 18:02   

The Member of Parliament for the Shamkir town constituency No 98 and Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova conducted a scheduled surgery in the videoconferencing mode today. During the reception, she heard the constituents out on several matters of concern to them. It was said that the Chair of the Milli Majlis had been meeting with the constituents in that format regularly, that the sessions continued today and that close to 200 constituents had joined them so far. A certain portion of the issues brought by them at the preceding video-surgeries have been resolved already.

As Sahiba Gafarova told the constituents, the citizens’ utmost interests lay at the core of the policy implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. It was further said that the measures adopted and carried out in Azerbaijan served the goals of continued strengthening of the social protection of the population of the country and of enhancing the public welfare against the background of the preserved dynamism of the national economic growth. Also, Sahiba Gafarova recalled the recent increases of the minimum salary and the minimum pension by 20% in each case and the substantial increase in the welfare allowances and other social payments. The Head of State, Mrs Gafarova noted, had signed the relevant documents that encompassed nothing less than two million citizens of the country.

Madame Speaker stress that extensive amenity and building work was afoot in the provinces of the country as well, adding that uninterrupted electricity and natural gas supplies to the population, building the modern educational, health care and cultural infrastructure, renovation of water and sewage lines and other akin undertakings made a priority in the context of the provinces’ development. She pointed out the very large-scale restoration and rebuilding work in progress in our lands freed of the invaders thanks to the splendid victory won in the 44 days’ Patriotic War of 2020. It was emphasised that Azerbaijan implemented all those programmes, projects and designs relying solely on its own resources, power and capabilities.

Besides, Sahiba Gafarova informed her constituents of the arrangements, past and current, to control the spread of the coronavirus infection in our country and to strengthen the public social security further. Then, she called on everybody to adhere to the necessary social conduct and personal hygiene rules as well as the medical and prophylactic regulations. Mrs Gafarova said emphatically that each of us had to adapt oneself to those new rules of conduct.

It should be mentioned that since some matters the constituents brought up during the meeting were of local nature, they have been communicated to officials of the appropriate executive administration. The other part has been submitted to the concerned authorities as queries.

The Press and Public Relations Department  
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.