The Wake of the Shahid Subhan Jabrayilov in Salyan

20 October 2021 | 16:40   

The one-year wake of the Patriotic War Hero, the courageous and valiant warrior Subhan Rahim oglu Jabrayilov went with the MPs Fazail Agamali and Jala Ahmadova, the head of the provincial administration Sevindik Khatamov and the local public in attendance on 19 October.

It was said at the wake that Subhan Jabrayilov who had been born in the province’s village of Marishli had spent close to twenty years of his live in military service, including in the ranks of the Special Designation Force. He had set his comrades an example of bravery in the April Engagement and had fought the enemy without a regard for himself from the very first days of the Patriotic War. He had taken part in the liberation of almost thirty communities having shown unparalleled heroism. Jabrayilov and several comrades-in-arms had died game in the battle on 19 October. Jabrayilov was decorated with several medals and given the title of the Patriotic War Hero for his courage.

The participants of the wake talked about the heroism of our adamant army, the generalship of the victorious Commander-in-Chief and the unity of the nation at the time of the war, adding that all that combined had played an immense part in defeating the enemy.

Fazail Agamali and Jala Ahmadova stressed, in turn, that our lands had been freed from the invaders precisely thanks to the brave ones like Jabrayilov. The shahid and gazi families are always embraced with the care of the Head of State and the First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva; the memory of the shahids will leave forever and the services rendered by our gazies will never be forgotten, according to the law-makers.


The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.