The First Territorial Unit of the NAP Held a Meeting at the Parliament

11 January 2021 | 15:06   

The Board of the New Azerbaijan Party’s First Territorial Unit (FTU) No 2 for the Sabail District held an expanded videoconference meeting on 11 January.

Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova welcomed the meeting participants, wished it success and spoke of the tasks waiting to be addressed in this new year 2021. First of all, Madame Speaker mentioned the video meeting held under the chairmanship of President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan on 6 January to sum up on 2020, saying that the Head of State had analysed the outcomes of last year very substantively and conceptually. His speech had sent the abundantly clear messages about the demiurgic work to be done in the de-occupied provinces of the country as well as about the provocative antics of the administration of Armenia.

Mrs Gafarova emphasised quoting the president of the country that the historic Victory in the Patriotic War resulting in the liberation of our lands was the highlight and the main outcome of 2020. Besides, Mrs Gafarova asserted, that victory was a glorious milestone in our history that will remain in the annals of our statehood and in the public memory forever. A new era begins now - the era of creation in which the tasks that President Aliyev outlined at the same 2020 summary meeting have to be fulfilled.

‘I am certain that the fulfilment of those tasks will come as a contribution to the successful and confident progress of Azerbaijan,’ Madame Chair remarked.

Having mentioned that the first extraordinary parliamentary election in Azerbaijan was conducted in 2020, Chair of the Milli Majlis said that the main work vectors of the Parliament followed the recommendations that President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan had made in his speech at the first sitting of the 6th-convocation Milli Majlis that took place on 10 March. Since then, the Milli Majlis has carried out a number of essential tasks to support the far-sighted internal and external policies of the president of Azerbaijan. For instance, all the parliamentary diplomacy resources had been used during the Patriotic War to tell the global audiences of Azerbaijan’s just cause and, on the other hand, of the provocations committed by the military-political administration of Armenia.

Also last year, the 6th-convocation Milli Majlis had four sessions with two of them extraordinary ones. Several steps were taken to make the parliamentary work yet more efficient and to ensure its adequacy to the calls of the modernity.

The New Azerbaijan Party has an outstanding role in the successes the country had achieved, Madame Chair pointed out before saying that the ideas and the work of the NAP today enjoyed the popular support. The more than 760,000 members that this political party has do bear witness to its true potential.

According to Mrs Gafarova, the New Azerbaijan Party has covered a long and glorious path in the 28 years since its inception meeting, presided over by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, took place in Nakhchivan on 21 November 1992. The emergence of the NAP against the background of the tense public and political developments of that epoch became a turning-point in the statehood history of Azerbaijan. At the same time, Mrs Gafarova continued, the NAP ruled by President Ilham Aliyev today remains the leading political power in the country as well as the largest political party in the whole of the South Caucasus.

The NAP gives the people of all the social walks including women extensive activity opportunities. The multifaceted work done by the First Vice President and Deputy Chair of the NAP Mehriban Aliyeva has become a role-model and a school of fine examples for all the Azerbaijani women whilst the youth of the country are pinning their political future on nothing else but this party, according to Mrs Gafarova who then pointed out that the young party members had shown heroism and valour in the name of our lands’ freedom at the Patriotic War.

Finishing her speech, Madame Chair wished the to-be-elected members of the Board of the FTU every success in implementing the tasks that stand ahead of them.

Then, the performance report of the First Territorial Unit (FTU) No 2 of the New Azerbaijan Party for the Sabail District was heard at the meeting. The presenter, Acting Chairman of the FTU and Head of the Labour Legislation Sector in the Economic and Social Legislation Department of the Milli Majlis Staff Adil Valiyev, accompanied the report with presentation slides. The scope included a detailed statistical review. Besides, Mr Valiyev informed the meeting participants in detail of the packaged proposals regarding putting MPs in the FTU, about the numerical ratios of women and young members in it and the corresponding activity levels in the plan, of the Milli Majlis subdivisions’ membership ratios and, last but not least, concerning making the work of the FTU more efficient in the context of the forthcoming reforms.

It was mentioned that that work would predominantly be aimed at carrying into life the theses that the NAP Chairman and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev voiced in his speeches at the state and party events and rallies. In addition, the FTU will focus on fulfilling the tasks subject to the Programme and the Charter of the party.

Head of the NAP Administrative Department and Member of the Milli Majlis Aydin Huseynov started by speaking of the innovations present in the activity of the 6th-convocation Milli Majlis and proceeded to praise the reforms implemented to date. He also welcomed as opportune both the performance report and the work done by the FTU.

Chairman of the NAP Sabail District Unit Shamsaddin Hajiyev spoke to underline that that was the first reporting and election meeting to be held in such a format and to describe the FTU activities last year as having been successful.

Member of the FTU and Chairman of the Milli Majlis Disciplinary Commission Eldar Ibrahimov, too, talked about the successful outcomes of the recent work done by the Milli Majlis. Mr Ibrahimov also gave a narrative of the inception of the NAP and of its path of progress, adding that the New Azerbaijan Party had achieved a dramatic growth since its creation at the imperative of the time and had served the Azerbaijani people and state with dignity and distinction all these 28 years past.

MP Nizami Safarov, a member of the FTU Board, in turn, spoke favourably of the workings of the FTU.

The performance report was approved unanimously following the discussions.

The next business in order was electing the new members of the FTU Board. The election was conducted duly with Adil Valiyev being elected as Chairman of the First Territorial Unit (FTU) No 2 for the Sabail District of the New Azerbaijan Party. The deputy chairs of the FTU were elected as well.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.