MP Konul Nurullayeva Calls on Shahid Families

19 October 2021 | 17:28   

MP Konul Nurullayeva went to the house of the Patriotic War shahid Ali Nofel oglu Hasanli in the Nizami District of Baku on 18 October to talk to his parents and dear ones. She shared in their grief and told them that such brave ones as Ali Hasanli would forever live in the public memory and that their courage was etched indelibly into our history.

Ali Hasanli had manifested outstanding bravery during the Patriotic War that began in September last year before he died a hero’s death in the engagements to liberate the Fuzuli and Jabrayil provinces. He was decorated with the medals ‘For the Motherland’ and ‘For Liberation of Jabrayil’ in recognition to his merit to the decrees of President Ilham Aliyev.

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 During the same day, Konul Nurullayeva called on the members of the family of the Patriotic War shahid Javid Mikayil oglu Hasanov.

She met his parents, shared in their grief and listened to their story of their son’s life and com bat path. MP Nurullayeva was told that Javid Hasanov who had shown special heroism during the de-occupation of the Khojavend Province died a hero on 20 October. The warrior who had destroyed many enemies and is interred in the Martyrs’ Lane II was decorated with the medals ‘For Liberation of Khojavend’ and ‘For the Motherland’ posthumously to the decrees of President Ilham Aliyev.

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Whilst going to see the shahid families in Baku’s Nizami District where she was elected to the Milli Majlis, Konul Nurullayeva also met members of the family of the Patriotic War Hero Orkhan Nadir oglu Akbarov.

MP Nurullayeva thanked his parents for having raised such a patriotic man and took an interest in his combat path.

It was mentioned during the conversation that Colonel Lieutenant Orkhan Akbarov who had shown outstanding heroism in the fighting on the Fuzuli Front was killed in action there and, in view of the special merits and service to the cause of restoring the territorial integrity of his Motherland, the medals ‘For the Motherland’ and ‘For Liberation of Fuzuli’ as well as the ‘Patriotic War Hero’ title were conferred on him following the relevant decrees of the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

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 Besides, MP Nurullayeva dropped in to see the former resident of the Nizami District Eltun Vugar oglu Gasimov who is another shahid of the Patriotic War crowned with the sparkling victory of the Azerbaijani arms. She took part in his one-year wake.

MP Nurullayev was told of the life and combat paths of the shahid as well as that Sergeant Eltun Gasimov died a hero in the fighting for liberation of the Fuzuli Province and the settlement of Hadrut.

Sergeant Gasimov is awarded the medals ‘For the Motherland’, ‘For Liberation of Khojavend’ and ‘For Liberation of Fuzuli’ posthumously.

The Press and Public Relations Department 
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.