Commemoration of the Shahid Rahman Diljan oglu Bayramov in Ganja

29 December 2021 | 11:36   

The commemoration day of the Patriotic War fallen soldier Rahman Diljan oglu Bayramov took place in the Martyrs’ Lane of Ganja City.

Shahid families, gazies, MP Parvin Karimzade, the head of the Ganja City Executive Authority Niyazi Bayramov, the heads of the executive authorities of Ganja’s Nizami and Kapaz districts Nizami Hajiyev and Eldaniz Khudiyev, respectively, officials of the local office of the NAP and members of the Ganja community went to the tombstone of Rahman Bayramov, said prayers for his soul and paid respects to his memory.

It was said that Rahman Diljan oglu Bayramov had been born in Ganja City on 20 August 1993, finished the secondary school in the 8th of March Settlement of the Gioygol Province in 2012 and was drafted that same year by the Kapaz Branch of the city department of the State Mobilisation and Drafting Service. He had served with the N detachment of the Defence Ministry. Rahman Bayramov was re-drafted pursuant to the partial mobilisation decree of President Ilham Aliyev due to the Patriotic War that began on 27 September 2020.

Rahman Bayramov was killed in action during the engagement for Fuzuli and Khojavend leaving two kids behind.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

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