Commemorating Shahids in Khachmaz Province

25 October 2021 | 14:49   

The commemoration of the 44-day Patriotic War shahid Senior Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Kamil Shikhmammad oglu Shikhmuradov went in the town of Khudat of the Khachmaz Province with the participation of MP Sevil Mikayilova, Rashad Hajibalayev representing the local executive administration and the shahids’ family and friends.

They adorned the warrior’s graveside in the local Martyrs’ Lane with flowers and sent up prayers for his soul.

Kamil Shikhmuradov is awarded the Flag of Azerbaijan Order and the medals ‘For the Motherland’ and ‘For Liberation of Gubadli’ to the decrees of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic in recognition of his engagement in the struggle for the territorial integrity of the country and having discharged meritoriously the combat missions set before the detachment in which he had served.


 Also in Khudat of the Khachmaz Province went the wake of another shahid of the 44-day Patriotic War – the 44-year-old Senior Warrant Officer Ilgar Shamiyyat oglu Huseynli.

The above-said MP Sevil Mikayilova met the family and friends of the shahid. Together, they went to Ilgar Huseynov’s grave and said prayers for his soul.

Ilgar Huseynli was killed in action on the Agdere front on 6 October. He was decorated with the ‘For the Service to the Motherland’ Order, 3rd class, and the medals ‘For the Motherland’ and ‘For Liberation of Sugovushan’ to the decrees of President Ilham Aliyev posthumously for the dignified discharge of the duties that had been set before the unit in which he had served.


 The wake of the Patriotic War shahid Khagani Safa oglu Asgarov went with MP Mikayilova in attendance alongside the shahid’s family and friends in the village of Gusarchay of the same Khachmaz Province.

The combat path and heroism of Junior Sergeant Asgarov were talked of.

The shahid Khagani Safa oglu Asgarov who had been killed in action during the battle for the Fuzuli Province was awarded with the medals ‘For the Motherland’ and ‘For Liberation of Khojavend’ posthumously for the meritorious discharge of the missions assigned to his detachment to the decrees of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Incidentally, the fallen warrior’s relatives and friends thanked the Government for the care of this war’s shahids’ families and gazies.


The wake of the 44-day War’s another shahid Ibrahim Avaz oglu Nurmammadzade, held in Khudat, too, saw the attendance of MP Mikayilova together with the family members and other relatives of the fallen fighter.

They talked about the life, combat path and heroism of Private Nurmammadzade who was killed in a breach of the cease-fire in December 2015.

The Nurmammadzade family thanked the Government for the care they are embraced with.


 MP Mikayilova and the already-mentioned Rashad Hajibalayev also joined the family and friends of the Patriotic War shahid Elchin Eldar oglu Arazov in the village of Ashaghi Lagar of the same province.

The courageous warrior’s path and valour were brought up; respects were paid to his memory.

The medal ‘For the Motherland’ is bestowed upon Elchin Arazov posthumously to the decrees of the president of the republic in recognition of his heroism in the struggle for the territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

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