An Applied Scientific Conference Honours 1st Anniversary of Patriotic War Victory

28 October 2021 | 18:10   

An applied scientific conference co-organised by the Milli Majlis and the Azerbaijan Languages University took place on 21 October to honour the first anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War.  

The chairman of the parliamentary Defence and Counter-Corruption Committee Ziyafet Asgarov opened the conference and told the gathering that the Patriotic War that had begun a year ago and had resulted in Azerbaijan, united into one whole under the leadership of President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, having delivered its lands from the Armenian occupation that had lasted since 1993. Thus, Azerbaijan also restored justice and the rule of the international law in the region. The speaker also glanced back, as it were, upon the whole path that had taken us to the Victory: its outset ensured by the far-sighted political course of the Great Leader and its successful continuation – and the continuation of that policy also – by President Ilham Aliyev. The Victory was the logical outcome of all that, in the opinion of Mr Asgarov.  

The speaker also spoke of the immense historic import of the triumph achieved under the guidance of the victorious commander-in-chief to become the brightest page in the Azerbaijani history. The difficulties that had stood in our way to the Victory and the injustices done to us did not go without a mention, either. They should all be remembered and scrutinised; the conferences like this one matter in the cause of preserving the results of the Victory, according to the chairman of the parliamentary committee.  

The rector of the Languages University Kamal Abdulla, in turn, also underlined the importance of the conference. We, the victorious nation, are in the focus of the world today and have a special kind of responsibility to bear therefore, according to Mr Abdulla who went on to mention the indelible trace that the Victory was going to leave in the nation’s soul and conscience.  

With his strategic reserve, the visionary policy and the reliance upon the people, President Ilham Aliyev had prepared the ground for this brilliant victory; it will not be long before the foundations, the intellect and the realia of Azerbaijan will find their most remarkable embodiment in the liberated lands, in Garabagh, Kamal Abdulla continued.  

The other speakers were the ALU senior lecturers and teachers Namig Karimov, Bahman Aliyev, Mehriban Babakhanova, Elshan Majidov, Anar Rahimov and Rafi Gurbanov. Their speeches, in that order exactly, were ‘The Economic Policy in the Independence Period as a Symbol of our Victory’, ‘The Role of the Youth in the Patriotic War’, ‘Azerbaijan as a Guarantor of the International Law’, ‘Construing the Competitive Course of Armenia in the wake of the Garabagh War II through the Prism of the Theory of Perspectives’, ‘The ALU Contribution to the Information Warfare during the 44-day Patriotic War’ and ‘The Role the National Values Played on the Victory Path’.  

Those who took the floor stressed that President Ilham Aliyev had given every Azerbaijani the chance to become a victory by having built a powerful army. Never asking anyone for help, the Azerbaijani State restored the historical justice and supremacy of the international law in the region; it made sure that its citizens in general and the youth in particular would take the Patriotic War to its triumphant culmination. The speakers also mentioned the monolithic solidarity of the nation and the heroism of our soldiers and officers.  

The conference participants commemorated the shahids, wished their families endurance and the wounded and handicapped war veterans good health and speedy recovery. 


The Press and Public Relations Department   

The Milli Majlis


The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.