A Meeting at the Milli Majlis

21 February 2022 | 15:00   

MP Amina Agazade who also heads the Milli Majlis working group for the Azerbaijan-Japan inter-parliamentary connexions had a link-up meeting with Japan’s Deputy Foreign Minister for parliamentary affairs Honda Taro on 21 February.

Following the exchange of greetings, Amina Agazade brought up the friendship ties and mutually profitable co-operation between Azerbaijan and Japan and the on-going progress of the relations. She thanked the Japanese side for their numerous programmes as well as grant and soft loan projects implemented to date.

MP Agazade told the Japanese diplomat about Azerbaijan’s victory in the Patriotic War and the new realia established across the region. With its victory, she stressed, Azerbaijan had also enforced the well-known resolutions of the UN Security Council and ensured the observance of the international legal norms and principles, and had done that all by itself. That conflict is a viewed episode now; already Azerbaijan is taking substantial steps towards enduring peace and development in the region, according to MP Agazade.

The Azerbaijani MP also told the Japanese side about the genocide of the Azerbaijanis in Khojali committed by Armenia and due to turn 30 years on 26 February.

Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister for parliamentary affairs Honda Taro remarked, in turn, that the Trilateral Statement of 10 November 2020 served the cause of installing lasting peace and promoting co-operation in our region. Next, he told about ‘The Caucasian Initiative’ programme of Japan.

As the conversation drew on, Mr Honda mentioned the thirtieth anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Japan and the independent Azerbaijan and the events lined up for 2020 which the Japanese embassy in Azerbaijan declared ‘The Year of the Japanese-Azerbaijani Friendship’. Japan is interested in taking further its co-operation with Azerbaijan in culture, education, economic affairs, parliamentary matters and others, the Japanese diplomat emphasised.

There was also an exchange of opinions about the topics of essence to both sides.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.