Parliamentary Committee for Agrarian Policy Had its First 2021 Spring Session Meeting

22 January 2021 | 15:18   

The Milli Majlis Agrarian Policy Committee held its first meeting in the 2021 spring parliamentary session on 22 January.

At the beginning of the meeting, Committee Chairman Tahir Rzayev wished the colleagues every success in the unfolding session, mentioned the liberation of our country’s lands of the enemy occupation that had lasted for thirty years and congratulated everybody on the victory. He proceeded to say that the year 2020 had been written in the military chronicle of our country in golden letters for it was during it that the political will and leadership of President and Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and the might of our Victorious Army had restored the territorial wholeness and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. The meeting participants asked the Almighty to rest merry the souls of those who had given their lives in defence of their Motherland; the MPs also wished the wounded warriors good health.

Following that, Mr Rzayev presented the performance report of the Committee covering the autumn session of 2020. He said that the Committee had held 7 meetings and considered 8 matters having made substantial amendments to the Forest and Land Codes as well as to the laws ‘On the Land Reform’, ‘On the Land Market’, ‘On the Administration of the Municipal Lands’, ‘On the State Duty’, ‘On the State Register of Real Estate’ and ‘On Alienation of Lands for State Ends’. Serving the purpose of streamlining the legislation, Mr Rzayev remarked, those amendments had been discussed and passed at the plenary sittings of the Milli Majlis.

Thereupon, Mr Rzayev mentioned the Committee having received 82 applications, letters and requests from the citizens in the discussed period. In turn, the Committee had forwarded its communication about the problems raised in the correspondence to the concerned authorities; the Committee members had addressed and resolved some of the issues by themselves, too.

It was said also that the Committee members spent the reporting period taking an active part in the social and political developments in the country, aiding periodically the Army privates and officers as well as the families of the fallen and wounded war veterans, joining charitable actions in the context of the struggle against the coronavirus pandemic and keeping their constituents briefed of the achievements achieved in the economic and agrarian sectors of the country.

The report was found commendable and approved subsequently.

The discussion of the Committee work plan for the 2021 spring session followed, and Mr Rzayev informed the meeting participants in great detail of all the matters it is intended to look at during the session. He said that the Committee would continue its work on the Food Security Bill and other important laws.

The Committee members Eldar Ibrahimov, Javanshir Pashazade, Novruzali Aslanov and Azer Badamov spoke to put forth their proposals regarding promotion of agriculture and cattle-breeding and about creation of new farms in the de-occupied provinces of the country.

After that, the work plan of the Committee was approved unanimously.

The other Committee Members, namely, Sabir Hajiyev, Mushfig Jafarov, Eldeniz Salimov and Emin Hajiyev, took part in the online meeting, too. 

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.