Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova Meets Ambassador of Kyrgyz Republic to Azerbaijan Kayrat Osmonaliyev

Chair`s Meetings
11 March 2022 | 18:18   

Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova had a meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Azerbaijan Kayrat Osmonaliyev on 11 March.

Welcoming the guest, Speaker Gafarova touched on the ties of friendship and fraternity between our countries stemming from the depths of the ages and said that our nations were bonded together with their common roots, the similar historical fates and the traditions akin to each other. Our relations entered a new phase after our countries had restored their independence; the Azerbaijani-Kyrgyz diplomatic relations will turn thirty years in 2023, Mrs Gafarova was saying.

The co-operation between Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan rises from the platform of mutually beneficial partnership and friendly connexions; it is progressing in the political, trading, economic, humanitarian, cultural and other areas. The momentum that the reciprocal visits of the leaders of the two states are bringing into this process is worthy of a special mention. The dynamics of the high-status meetings and the mutual support across international and regional highlights serve to make the bonds between the Azerbaijan Republic and the Kyrgyz Republic stronger still, in the opinion of Mrs Gafarova.

Our countries’ fruitful interaction under the roofs of international organisations was mentioned as well, with Sahiba Gafarova emphasising our contacts under the aegis of the Turkic Council.

Moving on to the bilateral inter-parliamentary relations then, the Chair of the Milli Majlis underlined their having a role of their own in the advance of the Azerbaijani-Kyrgyz relationship. Our legislatures co-operate closely, be it bilaterally or multilaterally, and both have friendship groups. Our parliamentary delegations have effective co-operation going on international platforms, besides.

While she was telling Mrs Osmonaliyev about Azerbaijan’s outstanding victory in the 44 days’ Patriotic War of 2020, Mrs Gafarova remarked that our country had freed its lands after the thirty years of occupation by Armenia and had made its national territory whole again. During the occupation, Armenia had plundered our entire tangible heritage situated in those lands; our towns and villages had been laid to waste. Right now, Azerbaijan is busy working on large-scale restoration and rebuilding projects targeting those de-occupied provinces. We are working hard to make sure that our former internally displaced people get back to their homeland as soon as possible, stressed the head of the Azerbaijani parliament.

The ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in our country Kayrat Osmonaliyev voiced his appreciation of the warm welcome he had been given before talking about our nations’ amity and fraternity that have a rich history and are developing successfully. Mr Osmonaliyev mentioned our countries’ active co-operation and mutual backing in international organisations including the UN, the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, the CIS, the OSCE, the Non-Aligned Movement and the Turkic Council. His country, Mr Ambassador added, supported the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan without fail.

Other topics of shared interest were exchanged views about during the conversation as well.


The Press and Public Relations Department

The Milli Majlis


The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.