Delegation of UNEP European Office Visited Milli Majlis

17 March 2022 | 19:05   

The Chairman of the Milli Majlis Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology Committee Sadig Gurbanov and the committee members Fatma Yildirim and Iltizam Yusifov as well as the Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Committee Sevinj Fataliyeva had a meeting on 17 March with the delegation led by the UN Environment Programme Director for Europe Bruno Pozzi.

After greetings had been exchanged, Sadig Gurbanov supplied the guests with abundant information about the large-scale restoration and building work going on in the lands liberated by Azerbaijan from the Armenian occupation in the 44 days’ Patriotic War. Mr Gurbanov told them that, judging by the findings of the monitoring done in those provinces, all the houses in all the populated localities had been torn down; the monuments of history of those areas had met with the same fate. Trees had been either cut down or burnt. The endemic plants of that zone, its forest landscape had been destroyed, MP Gurbanov said, going further to tell of the flora and fauna restoration in the territories subjected to ecological terror.

Besides, the committee chairman cited the work afoot in the liberated lands within the frameworks of the ‘smart village’ and ‘smart town’ projects, about also the activities planned in connexion with the intended creation of a green energy zone in Garabagh and East Zangazur and, last but not least, the relevant presidential decrees signed off to date. Additionally, Mr Gurbanov told Mr Pozzi and his delegation about the infrastructure creation, laying of new roads, organisation of electricity supplies, construction of a new airport and other jobs either done or being done in those territories.

The UNEP Director for Europe Bruno Pozzi thanked for the warm welcome given to him and his delegation before referring to the large amount of restoration and building work accomplished in the de-occupied provinces of our land in a short period. According to Mr Pozzi, the UNEP encompasses all kinds of activity related to natural environment and resources, and so is interested in joining forces with Azerbaijan in all those areas.

Bruno Pozzi mentioned the destruction he had eye-witnessed during his travel to Garabagh but also the rebuilding work he had seen there. He then shared his ideas about agriculture, waste recycling and rational use of water resources.

Deputy Chair of the International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Committee Sevinj Fataliyeva and the Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology Committee’s Fatma Yildirim and Iltizam Yusifov talked about the environmental felonies committed by Armenia. They also voiced their thoughts about intensive natural resource exploitation prevention, efficient use of water resources and other matters.

Other matters of interest to both sides were discussed as the conversation went on.

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.