Our Parliamentary Ties with Mexico are Progressing

28 April 2022 | 10:23   

The head of the Milli Majlis working group for parliamentary connexions with Mexico Jala Aliyeva took the opportunity to congratulate the members of the Mexican working group of friendship on Azerbaijan, reformed after the latest Mexican election, during the virtual meeting of the inter-parliamentary groups of the Milli Majlis and the Chamber of deputies of the Mexican Congress.  

Mrs Aliyeva wished the Mexican colleagues success.  

The contribution of the parliamentary diplomacy to the bilateral relations was brought up; Jala Aliyeva talked about the need to expand the inter-parliamentary connexions and organise closer ties between the friendship groups, both of which tasks are facilitated tremendously by reciprocal visits and mutually fruitful interaction of our MPs in international parliamentary organisations, in her opinion.  

MP Aliyeva then spoke of Azerbaijan’s victory in the 44-day Patriotic War. She told the Mexican colleagues that the former conflict did not exist anymore, that Azerbaijan had freed its true lands from the Armenian captivity and made its national territory whole again. The de-occupied provinces are being repaired now; new infrastructure is under way. Meanwhile, the end to the conflict has given rise to new co-operation opportunities in the region.  

The head of the Mexican parliament’s group of friendship with Azerbaijan Miguel Angel Pérez Navarrete said that Mexico found its connexions with Azerbaijan to be very important and that the current situation favoured a further expansion of those connexions. The inter-parliamentary collaboration has a pride of place in the advancement of the bi-partite bonds, the Mexican parliamentarian added before saying that the meetings like the one held today served to make the Mexican-Azerbaijani ties stronger.  

The Mexican deputies Alberto Via Viegas, Xavier Cacique Zarate and Aurelio Gonzalez talked about their country’s being interested in co-operating with Azerbaijan, the current high level of our interaction and the exceptional roles of the parliaments in its current and eventual progress.  

Ulviya Hamzayeva and Iltizam Yusifov of the Milli Majlis working group for Mexico, in turn, underscored the need to continue broadening the inter-parliamentary relations, which task would be made easier to accomplish by arranging regular meetings. The Azerbaijani parliamentarians also talked about the progressing bilateral cultural and humanitarian connexions and emphasised the importance of broadening the relations, especially so in the economic field. They told their Mexican colleagues of the ‘green zones’ and the ‘smart town’ and ‘smart village’ projects materialising in the de-occupied Azerbaijani territories.  

The ambassador of Azerbaijan to Mexico Mammad Talibov and the ambassador of Mexico to Azerbaijan Rodrigo Labardini who were present at the meeting offered their ideas about the Azerbaijani-Mexican relations, too.  

Making the inter-parliamentary co-operation more robust, pushing the boundaries of our political, economic, trading, cultural, humanitarian, tourism and other connexions and the relevant prospects were discussed as well as the meeting went on 



The Press and Public Relations Department   
The Milli Majlis


The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.