Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova Meets with Ambassador of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Azerbaijan

29 January 2021 | 19:55   

Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova met with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Azerbaijan Sami Abdullah Ghosheh on 29 January.

Madame Speaker welcomed the visitor and told him that Azerbaijan considered it very important to further the relations with Jordan as one of the first states to recognise the national independence of Azerbaijan. The bonds of sincere friendship between President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan and the King of Jordan Abdullah II as well as the visits they have so far exchanged, the negotiations held and the bilateral documents signed have set the higher standards for the Azerbaijani-Jordanian relations. The positive dialogue unfolding on the political plane is tantamount to the emergence of the intensive ties in other areas, too, and it is no coincidence that the two countries have organised close co-operation, be it bilaterally or under the auspices of international organisations. It was said also that there are extensive opportunities to broaden the economic co-operation between Jordan and Azerbaijan.

Having highlighted the role of parliaments in the system of inter-state relations, Mrs Gafarova brought up the importance of developing the relations between the legislative authorities of the two countries and mentioned in this respect the working group of the Milli Majlis for interparliamentary ties with Jordan. The trips of Jordanian MPs to Azerbaijan and of the Azerbaijani ones to Jordan as well as their regular meetings at various international venues matter much in exchanging experience and knowledge as well, of course, in keeping the general public informed of the realia of our region and, amongst others, of Azerbaijan’s 44-day-long Patriotic War and the victory that Azerbaijan celebrated as its result, Madame Speaker said.

Then, Mrs Gafarova wished the visitor every success in his diplomacy in our country and expressed a confidence that he as an ambassador would contribute outstandingly to the continued progress of the co-operation between our countries.

Mr Ghosheh thanked Mrs Gafarova for the warm welcome and said, ‘One cannot but love Azerbaijan’. He then witnessed Jordan’s interest in yet broader ties with Azerbaijan with which Jordan shares the religion as well as cultural and moral staples. The brotherly ties between the leaders of the two states are a solid guarantee that the co-operation between Azerbaijan and Jordan will continue to become yet stronger. Meanwhile, the political, economic and cultural mutual relations are on the increase.

Remarking then that the two countries’ parliaments play their massive roles in intensifying the bilateral relations, Mr Ambassador recounted the story of the Jordanian Parliament’s formation and activities. He underscored the importance of two-way delegation visits and of the regular contacts both sides’ MPs are making. The attitude that the people of Jordan have to Azerbaijan is a special one; Jordan has every intention to deepen its ties with our country yet further in the future, according to Mr Ghosheh.

The meeting also saw an exchange of opinions about the current condition and growth prospects of the interparliamentary relations and about other matters of shared concern.  

The Press and Public Relations Department
The Milli Majlis

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.