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Delegation of Georgian Parliament Visit Great Leader’s Tombstone, Martyrs’ Lane

The visiting delegation led by Chairman of the Education, Science and Youth Affairs Committee of the Georgian Parliament Givi Mikanadze went to the Alley of Honour on 12 March and paid their deep respect to the memory of Heydar Aliyev, the National leader of our people and the architect and founder of the modern independent state of Azerbaijan. Fresh flowers were laid at the tomb monument.

12 March 2024    12:08

Member of Milli Majlis to Join International Event

Member of the Milli Majlis, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Western Azerbaijan Community Ramil Hasan is going to Geneva (Swiss Confederation) on 12 March in order to take part in the Sustainable Development Forum of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

11 March 2024    10:46

Delegation of Bulgarian National Assembly Visit Great Leader’s Tombstone, Martyrs’ Lane

The visiting delegation led by the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria Rosen Dimitrov Zhelyazkov went to the Alley of Honour on 4 March to pay their respects in memoriam our people’s National Leader, architect and builder of the modern Azerbaijani State Heydar Aliyev. A wreath was installed at his tombstone and fresh flowers were put on the tombstone.

04 March 2024    14:27

A Procurement Specialist Vacancy Announcement

The Staff of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan is announcing interviews to recruit to the Civil Service in the 3rd classification of office positions (a Procurement Specialist).

29 February 2024    15:48

The Response of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the European Parliament’s Annual Report on the Implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy of 28 February 2024

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly condemns the biased, one-sided, disparaging and imprudent, when seen through the prism of international law, thoughts contained in the annual Report on the Implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy that the European Parliament adopted on 28 February 2024.

29 February 2024    15:03

A Letter to Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Behalf of International Secretariat of Parliamentary Assembly of Black Sea Economic Co-operation (PABSEC)

PABSEC Vice President and Head of the Delegation of Türkiye in this organisation Fatih Donmez, Vice President/Head of the Delegation of Albania Petro Kochi, Vice President/Head of the Delegation of Georgia Ramaz Nikolaishvili, Head of the Delegation of Ukraine Anna Purtova, Head of the Delegation of Serbia Igor Becic and Head of the Delegation of Greece Konstantionos Vlasis have sent a letter to President of the PACE Theodoros Rousopoulos on behalf of the PABSEC International Secretariat.

27 February 2024    12:30

Chairman of Delegation of Hungarian National Assembly to Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Sends a Letter to Chairman of PACE

The Chairman of the Delegation of the National Assembly of Hungary to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Jolt Nemeth sent a letter to the President of the PACE Theodoros Rousopoulos on 22 February regarding the resolution No 2527 (2004) passed at the PACE Winter Session to challenge the mandate of Azerbaijan’s PACE Delegation.

26 February 2024    19:11

State and Government Officials Visit Khojali Genocide Monument

Prime Minister Ali Asadov, Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova, Head of the Presidential Administration Samir Nuriyev and other state and government officials visited the Khojali Genocide Monument on 26 February on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the Khojali Tragedy.

26 February 2024    18:26

Milli Majlis Members to Join Black Sea Economic Co-operation Meetings

Member of the Milli Majlis/Head of our Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation (PABSEC) Eldar Guliyev and Chairman of the Milli Majlis Labour and Social Policy Committee Musa Guliyev are leaving for Istanbul...

21 February 2024    12:35

Our MPs to Monitor Elections in Belarus

Members of the Milli Majlis are leaving for Minsk on 22 February: they are to monitor the elections to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly and the local Deputies’ Councils in the Republic of Belarus.

21 February 2024    09:43

Head of the Georgian Parliament’s Delegation to PACE Givi Mikanadze Sends a Letter to President of PACE

The Head of the Georgian Parliament’s Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Givi Mikanadze has sent a letter to the President of the PACE Theodoros Rousopoulos. That letter touches upon the resolution on non-ratification of the credentials of the delegation of the Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic to the PACE that had been adopted at the Assembly’s session.

20 February 2024    18:54

Milli Majlis Member to Visit Estonia

The Head of the Milli Majlis working group for inter-parliamentary relations with Estonia Jala Ahmadova will go to the Estonian capital of Tallinn on 19 February.

19 February 2024    14:15

14th Plenary Session of Asian Parliamentary Assembly Will Take Place in Baku

The 14th plenary session of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly will be held in Baku on 21-24 February. Dedicated to the subject of reinforcing regional co-operation for sustainable development in Asia, the session will be participated by parliamentary delegations of close to 40 countries including Presidents of Parliament of approximately 10 national legislatures.

19 February 2024    14:00

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.